Common Signs in Slovak Language
Planning to visit a Slovak speaking region? Have you questioned if you’ll be ready to understand the road signs or symptoms in Slovak or perhaps the common signs in an airport of your vacation location? Learn More
A lot of our typical signs within Slovak provides popular symbols in public places and usual neighborhood signs in Slovakia. It’s important to get familiar with these kinds of signs before you take a trip to a Slovak speaking country, because it can guide you when you are driving a car or walking, help you in when you need it situation, or simply just make a person’s life a lot easier when you are seeing Slovakia or any other region wherever people speak the Slovak language.
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List of Common Signs in Slovak Language
OPEN | Otvorené (OHT-voh-reh-nehh) |
CLOSED | Zatvorené (ZAHT-voh-reh-nehh) |
ENTRANCE | Vchod (VUH-khohd) |
EXIT | Východ (VEE-khohd) |
PUSH | Tlačiť (TLAH-chihtch) |
PULL | Ťahať (TCHAH-hahtch) |
TOILET | Toalety (TOH-ah-leh-tih) |
MEN | Muži (MOO-zhih) |
WOMEN | Ženy (ZHEH-nih) |
FORBIDDEN | Zakázaný (ZAH-kaa-zah-nee) |
Click on the links below to find a number of practical Slovak holiday key phrases which are arranged by category. For every travel word or phrase in Slovak, you will see the English translation.
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