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How do we say the Days of the week in Slovak language

When you are traveling in Slovakia and someone asks you in Slovak “what day is it today?” you will have to learn how to give the days of the 7 days in Slovak quickly. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You will have to write the time in Slovak maybe. Take advantage of our day time sentences in Slovak down below to determine the week days in Slovak. Learn More

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Telling the Days of The Week in Slovak

this morningdnes ráno (dnehs RAHH-noh)
todaydnes (dnehs)
tonightdnes večer (dnehs VEH-chehr)
day before yesterdaypredvčerom (prehd-VCHEH-rom)
yesterdayvčera (VCHEH-rah)
weektýždeň (TEEZH-dehñ)
tomorrowzajtra (ZAI-trah)
day after tomorrowpozajtra (poh-ZAI-trah)
Mondaypondelok (POHN-dyeh-lohk)
Tuesdayutorok (OO-toh-rohk)
Wednesdaystreda (STREH-dah)
Thursdayštvrtok (SHTVR-tohk)
Fridaypiatok (PYAH-tohk)
Saturdaysobota (SOH-boh-tah)
Sundaynedeľa (NYEH-dyeh-lyah)

Months in Slovak Language

Januaryjanuár (YAH-nwaahr)
Februaryfebruár (FEH-brwaahr)
Marchmarec (MAH-rehts)
Aprilapríl (AH-preeel)
Maymáj (MAAH_ee)
Junejún (yoon)
Julyjúl (yool)
Augustaugust (OW-goost)
Septemberseptember (sehp-TEHM-behr)
Octoberoktóber (ohk-TOHH-behr)
Novembernovember (noh-VEHM-behr)
Decemberdecember (deht-ZEHM-behr)

Select the hyperlinks below to view a number of practical Slovak holiday phrases that are organized by group. For each holiday word or phrase in Slovak, there’ll be the actual English translation.

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