About Slovak Consonants Chart
Wish to know do you know the consonants present in Slovak language? In articulatory phonetics, a Slovak consonant is known as a speech sound which is articulated with full or simply partial closure in the vocal region. The word consonant is additionally employed to talk about a letter of the Slovak alphabet which indicates a consonant sound. Learn More
Slovak Consonants Chart
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Slovak Consonants in Alphabet
b | like 'b' in "baby" |
c | like 'ts' in "bets" |
č | like 'ch' in "church" |
d | like 'd' in "day" |
ď | like 'dge' in "edge" [more of a 'j' sound in 'judge'] |
DZ | like 'ds' in "roads" |
DŽ | like 'j' in "juice" |
f | like 'f' in "fine" |
g | like 'g' in "game" ( hard g sound ) |
h | like 'h' in "hot", regardless of its position in the word |
CH | hard aspirated sound like the 'ch' in "loch" |
j | like 'y' in "yes" |
k | like 'k' in "kick" |
l | like 'l' in "luck" |
ĺ | ( hold this l a little longer ); seldom used [similar to the 'll' in "call"] |
ľ | like the 'ly' in "halyard" |
m | like 'm' in "moon" |
n | like 'n' in "nine" |
ň | like 'ny' in "canyon" |
ô | like 'wa' in "want" |
p | like 'p' in "paper" |
q | like 'q' in "quest" |
r | like spanish 'r' in "rico" ( slightly trilled ) |
ŕ | like spanish 'rr' in "carro" ( longer trilled ) |
s | like 's' in "son" |
š | like 'sh' in "fish" |
t | like 't' in "hot" |
ť | like 'tu' in "tune" [end of words gives off a palatal 'tch' sound in "snitch"] |
v | like 'v' in "van" |
w | like 'v' in "vest" [only used in foreign words] |
x | like 'ks' in "bricks" |
z | like 'z' in "zero" |
ž | like 'su' in "pleasure" |
Slovak Diphthongs in Alphabet
au | like the 'ow' in "cow" |
ia | like 'ia' in "piano" |
ie | like 'ea' in "fear" |
iu | like 'ew' in "new" |
ô | like 'wo' in "woke" |
Click on the links below to see a list of beneficial Slovak holiday key phrases which you’ll find organized by theme. For every holiday word or phrase in Slovak, you will notice the actual English interpretation.
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