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How to say money in Xhosa

Would like to know the Xhosa word cash? We now have listed here a number of Xhosa money related terms you may well be wanting when going in Xhosa speaking nations. Learn More

Holidaying is usually very pricey, subsequently it is really important to have a superb understanding of Xhosa words and phrases for your money related points just like exchanging money and banking. More Info
Xhosa Language Words

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Each and every country worldwide features its own money system. Interchanging money in Xhosa speaking cities is one among the frequent banking importance of people going abroad. Hence, it is important that you get the most for your money by getting acquainted with these familiar money phrases in Xhosa.

Dealing With Money in Xhosa

We have a range of Xhosa phrases which can be used while dealing with money in South Africa or simply when buying a little something in shops.

In casheziinkozo
Chequeitsheke ?
Postal orderCoins
Coinsimali eziinkozo
Notesimali engamaphepa
Expensiveixabisa kakhulu or iyabiza

Select the hyperlinks below to see a number of helpful Xhosa holiday keyword phrases that are sorted by category. For each holiday phrase in Xhosa, you will see the English interpretation.

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