Alphabet in Armenian Language
Learning the Armenian alphabet is critical to learn the Armenian Language. Armenian alphabet configuration is applied in a every day conversation. With out the Armenian alphabet, it is impossible to say the Armenian words properly even if you learn how to write those words in Armenian. Learn More
Like in any language, the better anyone articulate a letter in a word, the better grasped you’ll be in speaking the Armenian language. Below are web links that guides you to the Armenian alphabet and exactly how it is actually pronounced in English.
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Аа Бб Вв Гг Ґґ Дд ДЖдж ДЗЬдзь Ее Ёё Жж Зз Іі Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс СЬсь Тт Уу Ўў Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Ыы Ьь Ээ Юю Яя | |
Vowels in Armenian Alphabet
Ա/ա ayb | like father |
Ե/ե yech | like pet, but like yet when at the beginning of the word |
Է/է eh | like pet |
Ը/ը ət | like about (schwa) |
Ի/ի eeni | like peek |
Ո/ո vo | like port, but like voice when at the beginning of the word |
Ու/ու oo | like soon |
Аа | like the 'a' in 'alone' |
Ее | like "ye" in "yet" or the "ie" in "miedo" |
Ёё | like "yo" in "yonder" or the "io" in "frio" |
Ээ | like "e" in "met" |
Йй | like "y" in "play" or "boy". It's a semivowel, and it is always combined with a full vowel. |
Іі | like "ee" in "see" |
Оо | like "o" in "open" |
Уу | like "oo" in "boot" |
Յ/յ hee | like yes |
Հ/հ hoh | like horse |
Consonants in Armenian Alphabet
Բ/բ ben | like big |
Գ/գ gim | like goat |
Դ/դ da | like dark |
Զ/զ za | like zoo |
Թ/թ toh | like tiger, aspirated |
Ժ/ժ zhe | like measure |
Լ/լ lyun | like light |
Խ/խ kheh | like Scottish loch or German Aachen |
Ծ/ծ tsa | like cats |
Կ/կ ken | like scar, unaspirated |
Ձ/ձ dza | like beds |
Ղ/ղ ghat | like French gutteral "r", alternatively like Baghdad |
Ճ/ճ tcheh | like church |
Մ/մ men | like mouse |
Ն/ն noo | like north |
Շ/շ sha | like shark |
Չ/չ cha | like chicken |
Պ/պ peh | like spar, unaspirated |
Ջ/ջ jeh | like jar |
Ռ/ռ ra | rolled "r" as in Spanish |
Ս/ս seh | like swim |
Վ/վ vev | like vote |
Տ/տ tyoon | like star, unaspirated |
Ր/ր reh | soft "r", like rest |
Ց/ց tsoh | like tsunami |
Փ/փ pyoor | like pot, aspirated |
Ք/ք qeh | like question, aspirated |
Ֆ/ֆ feh | like fork |
ԵՎ/և yev | like devil, but read yev when at the beginning of the word |
Бб | like "b" in "bit" |
Вв | like "v" in "vine" |
Гг | approx. like "h" in "how" [aspirated like the 'ck' in "brick"] |
Ґґ | like "g" in "go" [not often used] |
Дд | like "d" in "do" |
ДЖдж | like "j" in "journey" |
ДЗЬдзь | approx. like "ds" in "raids" |
Жж | like "s" in "pleasure" |
Зз | like "z" in "zoo" |
ЗЬзь | soft palatalized sound in between "z" and "zh". |
Кк | like "k" in "kitten" |
Лл | like "l" in "lady" |
ЛЬль | soft "l" like "l" in "lemon" |
Мм | like "m" in "my" |
Нн | like "n" in "not" or like the "ny" in "canyon" |
НЬнь | like "n" in "near" |
Пп | like "p" in "pot" |
Рр | trilled "r" (similar to a Spanish "r") |
Сс | like "s" in "sun" |
СЬсь | soft palatalized sound in between "s" and "sh". |
Тт | like "t" in "tip" |
Ўў | like final "w" in "window" |
Фф | like "f" in "face" |
Хх | like "ch" in Scottish "loch" |
Цц | like "ts" in "cats" |
ЦЬць | soft palatalized sound in between "ts" and "ch". |
Чч | like the 'ch' in "chest" |
Шш | like "sh" in "shut" |
Ыы | like the 'y' in 'possibly' |
Ьь | silent |
Юю | like "u" in "duke"[iu] |
Яя | like "ya" in "yard" or the "ia" in "mia" |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Armenian Alphabet
ай | like 'eye' |
яй | like saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'eye' [yah-ee] |
ой | like 'oy' in "boy" [oy] |
ей | like 'ye' in "yet" and 'ay' in "play" [yeh ee] |
эй | like 'ey' in "prey" [ey] |
ый | like 'i' in "Chris" and 'y' in "yes" similar to saying "possibly yes" [ee yeh] |
уй | like 'oo' in "good" and 'y' in "yet" [oo yeh] |
юй | like 'you' and 'y' in "play" [yoo ee] |
аў | like 'ou' in "out" [ah oo] |
яў | like saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'ou' in "out" [yah oo] |
оў | like the 'ow' in "grow" [oh oo] |
еў | like 'ye' in "yet" and 'wo' in "won't" [yeh woh] |
эў | like 'e' in 'end' and 'wo' in "won't" [eh woh] |
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