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For anyone who is in Armenia or maybe a Armenian speaking place, have you ever wondered how you can tell the time in Armenian? Telling the actual time in Armenian is dependant on knowing the Armenian numbers as well as some principles with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds in Armenian. Learn More

In this internet site, you will learn quite easily the best way to tell the time in Armenian while using the subsequent phrases regarding:
Armenian Language Words

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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Armenian Language

nowհիմա (hee-MAH)
laterավելի ուշ (ah-VELY OUSH)
beforeավելի շուտ (ah-VELY SHOOT)
morningառավոտ (ah-rah-VOTE)
afternoonցերեկ (tseh-RECK)
eveningերեկո (yeh-reh-KOH)
nightգիշեր (ghee-SHERE)
nowцяпер (tsiaPIER)
todayсёння (SIONnia)
tomorrowзаўтра (ZAWtra)
yesterdayучора (uCHOra)
dayдзенъ (dzhien')
nightноч (noch)
midnightпоўнач (POW-nahch)
in the afternoonпапаўднi (papawDNI)

Want to know precisely how to say six o-clock in Armenian? Use the key phrases beneath to help you tell the actual time on the clock in Armenian.
one o'clock AMգիշերվա ժամը մեկը (ghee-shere-VAH ZHAH-meh MEH-ke)
two o'clock AMգիշերվա ժամը երկուսը (ghee-shere-VAH ZHAH-meh yehr-KOU-se)
ten o'clock AMառավոտյան ժամը տասը (ah-rah-vote-YAHN ZHAH-meh TAH-se)
noonկեսօր (kess-ORE)
one o'clock PMցերեկվա ժամը մեկը (tzeh-reck-VAH ZHAH-meh MEH-ke)
two o'clock PMցերեկվա ժամը երկուսը (tzeh-reck-VAH ZHAH-meh yehr-KOU-se)
ten o'clock PMերեկոյան ժամը տասը (yeh-reh-ko-IAN ZHAH-meh TAH-se)
midnightկեսգիշեր (kehs-ghee-SHERE)

Utilize the standard Armenian terms to determine the time period like a Year, Week and a Month in Armenian language.
_____ second(s)_____ վայրկյան (vair-kian)
_____ minute(s)_____ րոպե (ro-PEH)
_____ hour(s)_____ ժամ (zhum)
_____ day(s)_____ օր (ore)
_____ week(s)_____ շաբաթ (sha-PATT)
_____ month(s)_____ ամիս (uh-MEES)
_____ year(s)_____ տարի (tah-REE)

Select the links below to view a list of practical Armenian holiday keyword phrases which are structured by theme. For every travel phrase in Armenian, you will notice the actual English interpretation.

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