Common Signs in Catalan Language
Planning to go to a Catalan speaking region? Have you questioned if you will have enough knowledge to understand the street warning signs in Catalan or perhaps the usual signs in an airport of your vacation location? Learn More
Many of our standard signs within Catalan details famous symbols in public places and typical road signs or symptoms throughout Spain. It is necessary to learn a majority of these signage before you visit a Catalan speaking region, as it can help you when driving a vehicle or taking walks, aid you in an emergency situation, or even just make ones life a lot easier when ever touring Spain and also other region where people talk the Catalan language.
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List of Common Signs in Catalan Language
OPEN | Obert |
CLOSED | Tancat |
ENTRANCE | Entrada |
EXIT | Sortida, Eixida (PaĆs ValenciĆ ) |
PUSH | Empenyeu |
PULL | Estireu |
TOILET | Serveis |
MEN | Homes |
WOMEN | Dones |
FORBIDDEN | Prohibit |
Select the links directly below to view a number of beneficial Catalan travel words and phrases that are organized by group. For every travel word or phrase in Catalan, you will see the English interpretation.
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