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Alphabet in Catalan Language

Knowing the Catalan alphabet is critical in learning the Catalan Language. Catalan alphabet structure is applied in a every day conversation. With out the Catalan alphabet, it is difficult to say the Catalan phrases properly even if you can write those terms in Catalan. Learn More

Like in any language, the better a person articulate a letter in a word, the better grasped you’ll be in conversing in the Catalan language. Take a look at links which directs you to the Catalan alphabet and exactly how it’s pronounced in English.
Catalan Language Words

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Vowels in Catalan Alphabet

stressed as the 'a' in "article" [ah], and unstressed 'a' in "sofa" [uh]a
stressed as the 'e' in "pet" [eh], and unstressed 'e' in "open" [uh]e
like 'ee' in "bee"i
stressed as the 'o' in "hot" and "port" [oh], unstressed 'oo' in "zoo" [oo]o
silent between 'g' and 'e/i' and between 'q' and 'e/i', elsewhere as 'u' in "flute" [oo]u
Watch for the different accent signs in e and o: è sounds always as 'e' in "bed", é sounds as 'ea' in "bear", ò sounds as 'o' in "bond" and ó sounds like the 'o' in "score". Stress usually falls on the second-last syllable,

Consonants in Catalan Alphabet

unless the word ends in a consonant or consonant cluster or it has a written accent. Also, two dots over 'i' or 'u', 'ї' 'ü', indicate that the vowel sound should be pronounced as a separate syllable
Ensaїmada [ehn-SUH-ee-mah-duh] (sweet pastry), diürn [dee-oorn] (in day time).
like 'b' in "bed"b
when followed by 'e' or 'i', like 'c' in "cell", otherwise like 'k' in "skull"c
like 'c' in "cell"ç
like 'd' in "dog"d
like 'f' in "fine"f
when followed by 'e' or 'i', like 'j' in "james", otherwise like "g" in "go"; in clusters "gue" and "gui", the "u" is silent, unless it bears a diaeresis, as in "güe" and "güi"; in clusters gua,guo,güe,güi, the two first letters like 'Gu' in McGuire or 'w' in "wire"; notice the group -ig after a vowel sounds like "ch".g
like 'j' as in "jean" (French pronunciation); or British English 's' in "pleasure"j
like 'k' in "skull"k
like 'l' in "love"l
like 'lli' in "million" (palatalized l)ll
like 'm' in "mother"m
like 'n' in "nice", and like 'n' in "anchor"n
like the Spanish "ñ" as in Señor; or US English 'ny' in "canyon"; the y is soft sign.ny
like 'p' in "spoof"p
in clusters "que" and "qui", the "u" is silent, unless it bears a diaeresis, as in "qüe" and "qüi"; in clusters qua,quo,qüe,qüi, the two first letters like 'Qu' in "quit"q
like 'r' in "butter"; except at the beginning of a word or after a consonantr
like 'r' in "row"; a strong thrilled Scottish r; at the beginning of a word, or after a consonantr
like 'rr' in "mirror"; a strong thrilled Scottish r; identical to the sound aboverr
like 's' in "sun" except when is between vowels, when it sounds like 'z' in "zone". Sometimes pronounced like a soft "sh".s
like 'ss' in "hiss". Always goes between vowels.ss
like 't' in "stop"t
pronouned like the 'ch' as in "chip"tx
like 'b' in "bed"v
like 'w' in "weight" in most English words, like 'b' in "bed" in Germanic words or Catalanised words as ""wàter" (WC) that sounds BAH-tehrw
like 'sh' in "short", except if is between two vowels, when sounds like the x as in "Axel"; notice the group -ix after a vowel sounds like "sh" as well.x
like 'z' in "zone"z

Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Catalan Alphabet

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