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Shopping in Catalan Language Phrases

At any time when looking for garments or keepsakes in any Catalan speaking nation, you have got to fully understand numerous Catalan terms to use when browsing. Learn More

Key Catalan Phrases to Know When Shopping

Catalan Language Words

Learn Catalan Language Online


Understand the Catalan key phrases that are here and could be used for engaging when you shop in Catalan language.
Do you have this in my size?Teniu això en la meva talla? (...)
How much is this?Quant costa això? (...)
That's too expensive.És massa car. (...)
Would you take _____?Agafaries _____? (...)
expensivecar (...)
cheapbarat (...)
I can't afford it.No puc pagar-ho. (...)
I don't want it.No ho vull. (...)
You're cheating me.M'estàs agafant la camisa. (...)
I'm not interested.No hi estic interessat. (...)
OK, I'll take it.D'acord, me'l quedo. (...)
Can I have a bag?Em pots donar una bossa? (...)
Do you ship (overseas)?Feu enviaments (a l'estranger)? (...)
I need...Necessito... (...)
...toothpaste....pasta de dents. (...)
...a toothbrush....raspallet de les dents. (...)
...tampons....tampons. (...)
...soap....sabó. (...)
...shampoo....xampú. (...)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)...calmant. (...)
...cold medicine....medicina per al refredat. (...)
...stomach medicine....medicina per a l'estómac. (...)
...a razor....una fulla d'afeitar. (...)
...an umbrella....un paraigües. (...)
...sunblock lotion....crema protectora pel sol. (...)
...a postcard....una postal. (...)
...postage stamps....segells. (...)
...batteries....piles. (...)
...writing paper....paper per escriure. (...)
...a pen....un bolígraf. (...)
...English-language books... llibres en anglès. (...)
...English-language magazines....revistes en anglès. (...)
...an English-language newspaper....diari en anglès. (...)
...an English-Catalan dictionary....diccionari anglès-català. (...)

Click on the links directly below to check out a number of beneficial Catalan travel key phrases which you’ll find sorted by theme. For each travel phrase in Catalan, you will notice the English interpretation.

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