Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Norwegian Language
Need to reserve an accommodation in Norway? How would you say, I need to book an accommodation in Norwegian? Useful Norwegian vocab when it comes to booking a room in motels or looking to require a bedroom with a balcony. Learn More
Together with the Norwegian accommodation relevant words here, you’ll get to pose your questions in Norwegian. A few of these questions include: “how many days you’re reserving for?” and “how much does it cost to reserve a room?” Hopefully, you are able to grasp the responses in Norwegian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Har du noen ledige rom? (...) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Hvor mye koster et enkelt/dobbelt-rom? (...) |
Are bedsheets included in the price? | Er sengetøy inkludert i prisen? (...) |
I would like some bedsheets | Kan jeg få med sengetøy? (...) |
I don't need/I bring my own bedsheets | Jeg trenger ikke/Jeg har mitt eget sengetøy (...) |
Does the room come with... | Har rommet ... (...) |
...a bathroom? | ...eget bad? (...) |
...a telephone? | ...egen telefon? (...) |
...a TV? | ...TV? (te-ve) |
May I see the room first? | Kan jeg få se rommet først? (...) |
Do you have anything _____? | Har du et _____ rom? (...) |
...quieter | ...mer stille (...) |
...bigger | ...større (...) |
...cleaner | ...renere (...) |
...cheaper | ...billigere? (...) |
OK, I'll take it. | OK, jeg tar det. (o-kå, jei tar de) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Jeg blir her _____ natt/netter. (...) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Har du et annet hotell å foreslå? (...) |
Do you have a safe? | Har du en safe? (har du en seif) |
Do you have a locker? | Har du ett låsbart skap? (...) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Er frokost/middag inkludert? (...) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Når er det frokost/middag? (...) |
Please clean my room. | Kan du vaske rommet mitt. (...) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Kan du vekke meg klokka _____? (...) |
I want to check out. | Kan jeg få sjekke ut nå?. (...) |
Click on the hyperlinks below to find out a number of beneficial Norwegian travel key phrases that are organized by group. For each travel phrase in Norwegian, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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