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Dealing With Authorities in Norwegian Language

When you are going in Norway or possibly any place where they communicate in Norwegian and you are in an emergency situation, handling authorities like the police in Norwegian could be daunting. You’ve got to learn at the least the standard Norwegian phrases when it comes to urgent matters that may help you call your country’s consulate. Learn More

List of Norwegian Phrases For Emergencies

Norwegian Language Words

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I haven't done anything wrong.Jeg har ikke gjort noe galt. (...)
It was a misunderstanding.Det var en misforståelse. (...)
Where are you taking me?Hvor tar dere meg? (...)
Am I under arrest?Er jeg arrestert? (...)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.Jeg er en amerikansk/australsk/britisk/kanadisk statsborger. (...)
I demand to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.Jeg forlanger å få snakke med den amerikanske/australske/britiske/kanadiske ambassade/konsulat (...)
I want to talk to a lawyer.Jeg vil ha en advokat. (...)
Can I just pay a fine now?Kan jeg bare betale boten nå? (...)
Please note that usually you can't pay a fine now.That would mean bribery was accepted. One exception; public transportation in Oslo (maybe elsewhere too) if you forgot to buy a ticket.

Click on the hyperlinks below to see a list of helpful Norwegian travel keyword phrases that are sorted by group. For every travel word or phrase in Norwegian, you will find the actual English translation.

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