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About Norwegian Consonants Chart

Would like to know which are the consonants in Norwegian language? In articulatory phonetics, the Norwegian consonant is really a speech sound that’s articulated with total or simply partial closure of the vocal tract. The term consonant is also employed to refer to a letter of a Norwegian alphabet that implies a consonant sound. Learn More

Norwegian Consonants Chart

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Norwegian Consonants in Alphabet

blike 'b' in "book"
clike 'c' in "cat" (mostly foreign words, no function in Norwegian)
chsame as 'k' or 'kk' (Christian = "kristian"; Bache = "bakke")
dlike 'd' in "dog", silent at end of syllable or at end of word. (In eastern dialects d, t, and n are pronounced with the tongue touching the front teeth, producing a "flatter" sound than in English)
flike 'f' in "face"
glike 'g' in "good", but like 'y' in "yes" before i or j, silent at the end of some words
hlike 'h' in "hat", silent before j or v
jlike 'y' in "yes"
klike 'k' in "keep", but like 'ch' in German "ich" before i or j (IPA: [ç])
llike 'l' in "late" (some variation, see below)
mlike 'm' in "mouse"
nlike 'n' in "nice"
plike 'p' in "push"
qlike 'q' in "quick" (mostly foreign words)
rlike 'tt' in "kitty" (many different variations ranging from Spanish to French sounding, in west Norway typically powerfully pronounced)
slike 's' in "sun", unless followed by an 'l' or following an 'r' when it becomes "sh"
tlike 't' in "top"; silent at the end of the word "det" and in determinate neuter nouns (e.g. "huset")
rta quick rap of the tongue, starting with the tip upward behind the hard palate (start saying "tch" but stop before you get to the "sh"); no native English equivalent (but heard in some Indian accents)
vlike 'v' in "viper"
wmost often, like 'v'; the letter only appears in names (e.g. Waldemar, Wenche, or the unit Watt); other than that, it may appear in foreign loan words and names where the pronunciation generally follows the original language (see below for more examples)
xlike 'x' in "box" (mostly foreign words); words with this sound are generally spelled with 'ks' ('x' has no real function in Norwegian)
zlike 'z' in "zip" (officially), but usually pronounced like 's' in "sun" (mostly foreign words, no function in Norwegian)
More on the letter L: There are three basic ways of pronouncing the letter 'L'. Generally speaking, if you stick with #1 or #2 below, you will never be misunderstood. #3 typically appears in eastern dialects but even there it may be considered informal and is avoided by many. The consonants b, f, g, k, and p, plus the vowel 'ø' take either L #1 or #3 as outlined further below, and the vowel 'å' takes L #2 or #3. (Note that this is an unoffical numbering.)
L #1: a thin-sounding 'l' where the tip of the tongue is on the hard part of the palate, not touching the front teeth, and slightly farther back than in English;
L #2: a thicker, flatter sounding 'l' with the tip of the tongue firmly against the back of the front teeth;
L #3: a flap of the tongue with the tip farther back in the mouth than with an 'r'.
(Some dialects use a 4th pronunciation where the middle of the tongue is on the soft palate; as a novice you should probably disregard this)
L #1 is what you will hear in the beginning of words: Lillehammer, lakk, lese, ligge, lomme, løpe...
- after 'i' and 'y' (both short and long): ille, spill, vil, vill, hvil, fil, fille, fyll, fylle, syl, sylte...
- after short u: full, gull, hull, kull, null, pulje, tull, rulle...
- after e: fjell, fjel, sel, tele, telefon, vel...
- after short yk: sykle, Myklebost...
- after 'g' or 'k' if followed by a long 'e': glede, klebe...
- after t: atlas, Atle
- after d: middel, midler, seddel, sedler...
- after 'r' (the 'r' becomes silent): farlig, Berlin, berlinerkrans, særlig, herlig...
- after some 'ø's (long or short): føle, følge, føll, sølv, Sølve...
- after 's' (note that the 's' then becomes "sh"):
slag, slakk, slepe, slegge, slik, slikke, slips, slott, sluke, slukke, slutte, slør, slåss, rasle, rusle, vesle...
- in the words vafler, vaflene (plural of vaffel) and gafler, gaflene (pl. of gaffel)
L #2 is heard after 'a' (short or long): ball, sal, tall, falle, gal, kalle...
- after all short "å" sounds, including the short 'o' which is like "å": Dolly, Holmenkollen, olje, rolle, troll, volleyball...
- after long å: bål, mål, Pål, stål, Ståle, stråle, såle...
L #3 is applied somewhat irregularly but is often heard after long 'u': jul, fugl (the 'g' is silent here), smule, bule...
- after some long 'o's (single syllable words or unaccented second syllable): bol, gol, skole, sol, sole, stol, stoler...
- after some long 'ø's: høl, søle, Bøler, pøl, døl, fjøl, køl, møl...
- after short vowel + 'g': øgle, trygle, ugle (the 'g' is not silent), smugle, juggel (the 'u' is short and the 'e' unaccented)...
- after short vowel + k: nøkler, tråkle
- and after b, most f's, g's, k's, and p's : blad, bli, bly, blå, fly, flue, glad...
blekk, flagg, flink, fløte, gløppe, glass, klippe (meaning "to cut"), klubb, klump, plukke, plagg, plass...
(all of the preceding examples of L #3 can also take L #1)
- after æ: pæle, sæle, fjæl, gæli, tæl, tæle
(these never take L #1 but are rather replaced by other forms that do: pele, sele, fjel, galt, tel, tele)
- in the word 'dårlig'
- overlapping the use of L #2 for the following words (i.e. you may hear either one, with little or no consistency):
mål, måle, kål, såle, stål (but not the name Ståle), trål, tråle, tral, tåle, påle (but not the name Pål)
Certain factors have a softening effect on the 'l' in 'kl' and 'pl' combinations. Look for long 'a' or 'o', words of non-Germanic origin, or stress on the second or third syllable. The following examples all have L #1 and should never take L #3:
klar, klarinett, klassisk, klor, kloroform, plassére, plast, plastikk...
The vowel 'i' influences 'f', 'k', and 'p' in the same way and usually gives them L #1 (although L #3 is sometimes heard):
flid, flittig, klima, klippe (meaning "cliff"), plikt...
Some words that belong in "high society" are ideally given L #1 in the eastern dialects even if conventional wisdom would expect L #3: flygel, klimpre
The following words usually have L #1 even in eastern dialects: glede, gløde, nitroglyserin, globoid
More on the letter W: "Watt" as a unit is pronounced like "vatt" but the name James Watt would still be pronounced as in English; "William" can sound like "Villiam" or the English "William" depending on his nationality; "Wien", being (linguistically) German, is pronounced "veen".

Norwegian Diphthongs in Alphabet

Select the hyperlinks directly below to find a list of useful Norwegian travel words and phrases which you’ll find structured by theme. For every holiday phrase in Norwegian, you will see the actual English translation.

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