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About Getting Directions in Norwegian Language

While venturing in Norway or any region in which individuals speak Norwegian, have you any idea the way to get to your destination? Exploring in Norwegian-speaking places is usually inspiring as well as adventurous. Learn More

Then again, it is good to know easy methods to request recommendations in Norwegian as well as understand what you will be told. Norwegian Phrases For Direction
Norwegian Language Words

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The following Norwegian terminology beneath will let you understand directions in Norwegian.

Useful Phrases For Getting Directions in Norwegian

How do I get to _____ ?Hvordan kommer jeg til _____ ? (...)
...the train station?...togstasjonen? (...)
...the bus station?...bussholdeplassen? (...)
...the airport?...flyplassen? (...)
...downtown?...sentrum? (...)
...the youth hostel?...ungdomsherberget? (...)
...the _____ hotel?... _____ hotel? (...)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British embassy/consulate?...den amerikanske/kanadiske/australske/britiske ambassade/konsulat? (...)
Where are there (a lot) of...Hvor kan jeg finne (mange)... (...)
...hotels?...hoteller? (...)
...restaurants?...restauranter? (res-tu-rang-er)
...bars?...barer? (...)
...sites to see?...turistattraksjoner? (tu-rist-att-rak-sjo-ner)
Can you show me ____ on the map?Kan du vise meg ___ på kartet? (...)
streetgate/vei (...)
Turn left.Snu til venstre. (...)
Turn right.Snu til høyre. (...)
leftvenstre (venn-stre)
righthøyre (høy-re)
straight aheadrett fram/rett framover (...)
towards the _____mot _____ (...)
past the _____forbi _____ (...)
before the _____rett før _____ (...)
Watch for the _____.Se etter _____. (...)
intersectionkryss (...)
roundaboutrundkjøring (runn-kjø-ring)
northnord (nor)
southsør (...)
eastøst (...)
westvest (...)
uphilloppover(bakke) (åpp-åv-er-bakk-e)
downhillnedover(bakke) (ned-åv-er-bakk-e)

Select the hyperlinks directly below to find a number of beneficial Norwegian holiday key phrases that are organized by group. For each travel word or phrase in Norwegian, you will find the English interpretation.

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