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Shopping in Norwegian Language Phrases

At any time when searching for clothing or gifts in virtually any Norwegian speaking nation, you will have to know a number of Norwegian terms to implement when looking around. Learn More

Key Norwegian Phrases to Know When Shopping

Norwegian Language Words

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Discover the Norwegian words that are below and can be used for communicating while you shop in Norwegian language.
Do you have this in my size?Har du denne i min størrelse? (...)
How much is this(that)?Hvor mye koster denne(den)? (...)
That's too expensive.Det er for dyrt. (...)
Would you take _____?Ville du godtatt _____? (...)
Note: Bargaining or haggling prices will in most cases get you nothing but puzzled looks and/or angry vendors. The price is on the tag, and unless the item you want is damaged or highly overpriced (higher than usual in Norway) haggling will usually not get you anywhere.
expensivedyrt (...)
special offertilbud
cheapbillig (...)
I can't afford it.Jeg har desverre ikke råd. (...)
I don't want it.Nei, jeg trenger den ikke. (...)
(I think) You're cheating me.(Jeg synes) Du lurer meg. (...)
(Jeg synes) Du lurer meg. (...)This is what you would say right before you call the police.
This is what you would say right before you call the police.
I'm not interested.Desverre, jeg er ikke interresert. (..)
OK, I'll take it.OK, jeg tar den. (...)
Can I have a bag?Kan jeg få en pose? (...)
Do you ship to ____?Kan du sende ting til ___? (...)
I need...Jeg trenger... (...)
...toothpaste....tannpasta. (...)
...a toothbrush....en tannbørste. (tann-bøsj-te)
...tampons....tamponger. (...)
...soap....såpe. (...)
...shampoo....shampoo. (sjam-po)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)...smertestillende. (f.eks Dispril eller Ibux) (...)
...cold medicine....hostesaft. (...)
translates back to cough lemonade. If that doesn't come close to what you need, go to a doctor.
...stomach medicine....???. (...)
Go to a drugstore (Norwegian: "apotek"), or doctor (Norwegian: "lege"), and explain your condition.
...a razor....en barberhøvel. (...)
...an umbrella....en paraply. (...)
...sunscreen lotion...solkrem (...)
...sunblock lotion....sunblock. (...)
...a postcard....ett postkort. (...)
...postage stamps....frimerker. (...)
...batteries....batterier. (...)
...writing paper....skrivepapir/brevpapir. (...)
...a pen....en penn. (...)
...English-language books....engelske bøker. (...)
...English-language magazines....engelske blader. (...)
...an English-language newspaper....en engelsk avis. (...)
...an English-Norwegian dictionary....en engelsk-norsk ordbok. (...)

Select the hyperlinks directly below to check out a list of beneficial Norwegian holiday key phrases which you’ll find sorted by group. For each travel phrase in Norwegian, you will find the English interpretation.

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