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About Urdu Pronunciation Rules

Pronunciation in Urdu is the way a Urdu word or simply a Urdu language is actually expressed, or the manner in which a person uttters a single word. If one is thought to have the”suitable Urdu pronunciation”, then it means both of these within a particular Urdu dialect. Learn More

A Urdu word might be said in a different way by a number of men and women or groups and this varies according to many factors, for example: the time period of the cultural exposure during their unique first few years, exactly where the individual lives, his or her cultural community, his or her social class, and also their academic achievements. Learn the rules
Urdu Language Words

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In Urdu, the same letter found in two different words might make two distinct sounds. Many letters in Urdu language are not pronounced at all. Usually, it is possible to sound out words. Hence, many experienced non native Urdu speakers (and occasionally some native speakers) often mispronounce Urdu words.

Similar to English, Urdu pronunciation can be demanding, mainly because of intricacies just like silent letters, several sounds for that particular letter, not to mention never ending exceptions to no matter what rules you see in the Urdu pronunciation. This website has several web pages which points out the Urdu pronunciation guidelines and exceptions in perfect detail. Nevertheless this is great suitable for advanced students, however can be quite challenging education of Urdu language. We try to ease Urdu pronunciation rules in order to make it easier for one to get started in Urdu, even if you do not necessarily understand how each individual Urdu letter combination is actually pronounced in almost every circumstance. We know that eventually, you’ll want to research more in-depth Urdu instruction on Urdu pronunciation rules.

Learn How to Pronounce Urdu Words

Urdu, as mentioned earlier, is written in a modified Perso-Arabic script called abjad. An abjad does not write short vowels, except at the beginning of a word with alif' serving as a place holder. This can make it frustrating for the learner as the words I and in are both written ميں in Urdu. Urdu is also written in a stylized form of the Arabic script called nast'alīq (نستعليق). Developed in Persia, it is still used for religious and poetic calligraphy in Iran today, while Urdu still uses it as its standard script. Therefore, if you want to read an Urdu newspaper, street sign, etc. you will have to learn to read nastaliq, which can prove difficult for the beginner. As a result, a simpler style called Naskh (نسخ), as used in other languages using the Arabic abjad will be used for two reasons: 1. to ease the learner into nastaliq, and 2. because Unicode does not support nast'aliq. Vowel diacritics do exist, mostly used to modify the alif vowel holder at the beginning of a word but also used for educational purposes, in the Qur'ān, and for clarifying ambiguous spellings.
The Arabic system of writing is cursive. Most letters have four forms. Others, which do not attach to the letter coming next to them, have only two. These forms are quite self-explanatory: initial, medial, final, and isolated. When written alone letters are written in their isolated form. Example:
پ + آ + ك + س + ت + آ + ن
when these isolated letters are joined together they look like this:
پاكستان, Pākistān

Click on the hyperlinks below to view a number of helpful Urdu travel words and phrases which are arranged by group. For every holiday word or phrase in Urdu, you will find the actual English interpretation.

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