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About Vietnamese Pronunciation Rules

Pronunciation in Vietnamese certainly is the way the Vietnamese word or even a Vietnamese language is actually spoken, or the manner in which someone pronounces the single phrase. If one is thought to have the”proper Vietnamese pronunciation”, then it refers to both of these within a particular Vietnamese language. Learn More

The Vietnamese word can be spoken in another way by a variety of people or communities and that depends on a number of factors, such as: the actual length of the cultural exposure associated with their unique childhood, the place that the someone is located, their particular ethnic group, ones own social class, and also their education. Learn the rules
Vietnamese Language Words

Learn Vietnamese Language Online

Vietnamese Language Words

Learn Vietnamese Language Online


In Vietnamese, the same letter present in two different words can certainly make two differing sounds. Many letters in Vietnamese language are not pronounced at all. Usually, it is possible to sound out words. Hence, many experienced non native Vietnamese speakers (and occasionally some native speakers) often mispronounce Vietnamese words.

Similar to English, Vietnamese pronunciation can be quite complex, as a result of intricacies like silent letters, numerous sounds for just a particular letter, not to mention never ending conditions to whatever rules you find in the actual Vietnamese pronunciation. This site has several internet pages that points out the actual Vietnamese pronunciation policies not to mention exceptions in significant detail. Nevertheless this is great suitable for advanced students, however it can be hugely difficult for beginners of Vietnamese language. We try to simplify Vietnamese pronunciation rules in order to make it easier for you to definitely begin Vietnamese, even if you do not understand how each and every Vietnamese letter combination is actually said in almost every scenario. We understand that at some point, you will have to understand more in-depth Vietnamese instruction on Vietnamese pronunciation rules.

Learn How to Pronounce Vietnamese Words

Vietnamese spelling is more or less phonetic, and generally similar to Portuguese (which it is based on). Once you figure out how to pronounce each letter and tone, you have a pretty good idea of how to pronounce Vietnamese, which has very few exceptions compared to English.
Unless otherwise indicated, pronunciation throughout this phrasebook is for Northern (Hanoi) Vietnamese, which is quite different from Southern (Saigon), North Central (Vinh) or Central (Hue) Vietnamese.

Select the links below to view a number of beneficial Vietnamese holiday phrases that are organized by group. For each holiday phrase in Vietnamese, you will notice the actual English interpretation.

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