Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Hungarian Language
Need to book an overnight accommodation in Hungary? How would you say, I need to book an accommodation in Hungarian? Important Hungarian terminology intended for making your reservation for a room in hotels or seeking to require a bedroom with a deck. Learn More
While using the Hungarian accommodation related words and phrases below, one can learn how to pose your questions in Hungarian. A number of these inquiries include things like: “how many days you’ll be reserving for?” or “how much does it cost to book a room?” Eventually, you’ll be able to figure out the replies in Hungarian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Van szabad szobájuk? (vån SÅ-båd SO-ba-youk) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Mennyibe kerül egy szoba egy személyre/két személyre? (MEN-nyi-be KE-růl edj SO-bå edj SE-mey-re/keyt SE-mey-re) |
Does the room come with... | Jár a szobához... (YAR å SO-ba-hoz) |
...bedsheets? | ...lepedő? (LE-pe-dø̱) |
...a bathroom? | ...fürdőszoba? (FŮR-dø̱-so-bå) |
...a telephone? | ...telefon? (TE-le-fon) |
...a TV? | ...TV? (TEY-vey) |
May I see the room first? | Előbb megnézhetem a szobát? (E-lø̱b MEG-neyz-he-tem å SO-bat) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Van valami csendesebb? (vån VÅ-lå-mi CHEN-de-sheb) |
...bigger? | ...nagyobb? (NÅDJ-ob) |
...cleaner? | ...tisztább? (TIS-tab) |
...cheaper? | ...olcsóbb? (OL-choab) |
OK, I'll take it. | Rendben, kiveszem. (REND-ben, KI-ve-sem) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | _____ éjszakát maradok. (EY-så-kat MÅ-rå-dok) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Tudna javasolni egy másik hotelt? (TOUD-nå YÅ-vå-shol-ni edj MA-shik HO-telt) |
Do you have a safe? | Van széfjük? (vån SEYF-yůk) |
...lockers? | ...zárható szekrényük? (ZAR-hå-toa SE-krey-nyůk) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Tartalmazza az ár a reggelit/vacsorát? (TÅR-tål-måz-zå åz ar å REG-ge-lit/VÅ-cho-rat) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Mikor van reggeli/vacsora? (MI-kor vån REG-ge-li/VÅ-cho-rå) |
Please clean my room. | Takarítást kérek. (TÅ-kå-ree-tasht KEY-rek) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Tudna _____-kor ébreszteni? (TOUD-nå _____-kor EY-bre-ste-ni) |
I want to check out. | Kijelentkeznék. (KI-ye-lent-kez-neyk) |
Click on the hyperlinks directly below to find out a number of helpful Hungarian travel keyword phrases which are arranged by category. For every travel phrase in Hungarian, you will find the English interpretation.
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