How do we say the Days of the week in Hungarian language
When you are venturing in Hungary and people questions you in Hungarian “what day is it today?” you’ll want to learn how to communicate the days of the week in Hungarian simply. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You’ll need to write the time in Hungarian maybe. Make use of our day time key phrases in Hungarian under to understand the week days in Hungarian. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Hungarian
today | ma (må) |
yesterday | tegnap (TEG-nåp) |
tomorrow | holnap (HOL-nåp) |
this week | ezen a héten (E-zen å HEY-ten) |
last week | múlt héten (moolt HEY-ten) |
next week | jövő héten (YØ-vø̱ HEY-ten) |
Sunday | vasárnap (VÅ-shar-nåp) |
Monday | hétfő (HEYT-fø̱) |
Tuesday | kedd (ked) |
Wednesday | szerda (SER-da) |
Thursday | csütörtök (CHŮT-ør-tøk) |
Friday | péntek (PEYN-tek) |
Saturday | szombat (SOM-båt) |
Months in Hungarian Language
January | január (YÅ-nou-ar) |
February | február (FEB-rou-ar) |
March | március (MAR-tsi-oush) |
April | április (A-pri-lish) |
May | május (MAY-oush) |
June | június (YOO-ni-oush) |
July | július (YOO-li-oush) |
August | augusztus (Å-ou-goust-oush) |
September | szeptember (SEP-tem-ber) |
October | október (OK-toa-ber) |
November | november (NO-vem-ber) |
December | december (DE-tsem-ber) |
Click on the links directly below to find a list of practical Hungarian holiday key phrases which are sorted by theme. For every holiday phrase in Hungarian, there’ll be the actual English interpretation.
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