Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Xhosa Language
Choose to reserve a hotel room in South Africa? Find out how to say, I would like to make a reservation for an accommodation in Xhosa? Handy Xhosa vocabulary when it comes to selecting a room in motels or looking to ask for a bedroom with a deck. Learn More
Using the Xhosa holiday accommodation relevant sentences below, you’ll get to pose your questions in Xhosa. Most of these questions include: “how many days you’ll be booking for?” or “how much would it cost to book a room?” Hopefully, it will be possible to figure out the actual replies in Xhosa.
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I need a room | Ndifuna igumbi |
One room | Igumbi elinye |
Two rooms | Amagumbi amabini |
Single room | Igumbi lomntu omnye |
Double room | Igumbi labantu ababini |
Per person | Umntu emnye |
Bed and Breakfast | |
A meal | Isidlo |
Beaverages or Drinks | Isiselo |
Supper | Isidlo sangokuhlwa |
Lunch | Isidlo sasemini |
Dinner | Isidlo sasemvakwemini |
Kitchen | Igumbi lokuphekela ('Ekhitshini') |
Sharing | Kunye ('ukwabelana')? |
Click on the hyperlinks below to find a number of beneficial Xhosa travel words and phrases which you’ll find organized by theme. For every travel phrase in Xhosa, you will find the actual English interpretation.
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