Alphabet in Icelandic Language
Understanding the Icelandic alphabet is very important in mastering the Icelandic Language. Icelandic alphabet configuration is applied in a day-to-day conversation. Without the Icelandic alphabet, it is difficult to speak the Icelandic words properly even if anyone know how to write those key phrases in Icelandic. Learn More
As in any language, the far better anyone articulate a letter in a word, the more understood you’ll be in conversing in the Icelandic language. Listed here are website links that guides you to the Icelandic alphabet and exactly how it’s pronounced in English.
 Learn Icelandic Language Online | ) |
Vowels in Icelandic Alphabet
a | like 'a' in "father" (never like "cat") |
e | one (and by far the more common) is the schwa sound, as in 'e' in "stern", "learn","vowel" |
e | second one is like the 'e' in "bed", "red". |
e | and third is like in 'a' in "foray" and "came" |
i (ie, j) | like 'i' in "thin" or 'i' in "antique" |
o | like 'ow' in "low", in open positions or like 'o' in "top" in close positions |
u (oe) | like 'oo' in "hoop", in open positions or like 'o' in “hope” in close positions |
Consonants in Icelandic Alphabet
Prefix attack | |
Having trouble finding a word in a dictionary? Trying dropping the extra cruft. | |
Prefixes: be-, bel-, ber-, di-, ke-, me-, mem-, men-, meng-, per-, se-, ter- | |
Postfixes: -an, -i, -kan, -lah, -nya | |
b | like 'b' in "bed" |
bh | like 'b' in "bed", only in Sanskrit borrowings |
c (ch, tj) | like 'ch' in "China" |
d | like 'd' in "dog" |
dh | like 'd' in "dog", only in Sanskrit borrowings |
f | like 'ph' in "phone" |
g | like 'g' in "go" |
h | like 'h' in "help" |
j (dj) | like 'dg' in "edge" |
k | like 'c' in "cat", or a glottal stop at the end of a word (sounds like it's silent, if you're not used to it). |
kh (ch) | like 'ch' in "loch" |
l | like 'l' in "love" |
m | like 'm' in "mother" |
n | like 'n' in "nice" |
ng | like 'ng' in "sing" (no hard 'g' sound) |
ngg | like 'ng' in "finger" ('ng' plus a hard 'g') |
ny | like 'ny' in "canyon" |
p | like 'p' in "pig" |
q | similar to the 'k' or 'kh' sound (with "u", almost always, only in Arabic borrowings) |
r | like 'rr' in Spanish "perro" |
s | like 'ss' in "hiss" |
sy (sj) | like 'sh' in "sheep" |
t | like 't' in "top" |
v | the same as 'f' (like 'ph' in "phone") |
w | like 'w' in "weight" |
x | like 'cks' in "kicks" |
y (j) | like 'y' in "yes" |
z | Either the same as 's' (like 's' in "hiss"), or like 'z' in "haze", or like 'dg' in "edge" |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Icelandic Alphabet
The basic word order of Indonesian is similar to English:subject-verb-object with one basic difference being that the noun or subject comes before the predicate or adjective. For example, Kucing hitam = Black cat; Buku saya = My book. In general, there are no plurals, grammatical gender, or verb conjugation for person, number or tense, all of which are expressed with adverbs or tense indicators: saya makan, "I eat" (now), saya sudah makan, "I already eat" = "I ate". | |
When plurals are in use, they're often simply a repetition of the singular form, connected by a dash (or, in shortened informal Indonesian, indicated with a "2" at the end). For example, "mobil-mobil" (cars) is simply the plural form of "mobil" (car). One can also choose to use other words, especially in informal situations, such as "banyak" (many) instead: "banyak mobil". The use of singular form doesn't guarantee a single object; the phrase "Ada mobil di depan" (There is; car; in; front) may mean 1 or more cars. Some words don't exhibit plural forms; to be safe, simply use the singular form. The repetitive plural form is most often found in writing. | |
A characteristic of Indonesian is that it is a so-called agglutinative language, which means that affixes are all attached to a word stem. So a word can become very long. For example there is a base word hasil which means "result" or "success". But it can be extended as far as ketidakberhasilannya, which means his/her failure: "ke"(the state of)-"tidak"(not)-"ber"(-ing)-"hasil"(success)-"an"(the state of, with ke)-"nya"(his/her). These are largely modular; "berhasil" means "to succeed", for example. | |
If all else fails, simply using standard subject-verb-object form and common particles, while disregarding prefixes and suffixes, is generally unambiguous. For example, to state your intention to find a train station, simply "saya mau pergi ke stasiun" (I; want to; go; to; the station) is both clear and polite. | |
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