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Dealing With Authorities in Icelandic Language

If you are visiting in Iceland or possibly any place where people communicate in Icelandic and you really are in an emergency situation, dealing with authorities for instance the police in Icelandic might be challenging. You have got to find out no less than the fundamental Icelandic words and phrases for crisis situations that may help you speak to your country’s consulate. Learn More

List of Icelandic Phrases For Emergencies

Icelandic Language Words

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I haven't done anything wrong.Saya tidak bersalah. (...)
It was a misunderstanding.Itu salah paham. (...)
Where are you taking me?Saya dibawa ke mana ? (...)
Am I under arrest?Apakah saya ditahan ? (...)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.Saya warga negara Amerika /Australia / Inggris / Kanada. (...)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.Saya ingin bicara dengan Kedutaan Besar/Konsulat Amerika / Australia / Inggris / Kanada. (...)
I want to talk to a lawyer.Saya mau bicara dengan pengacara/advokat. (...)
Can I just pay a fine here now?Bisakah saya bayar denda di tempat saja? (...)

Select the hyperlinks below to find out a number of beneficial Icelandic holiday words and phrases which you’ll find sorted by group. For every holiday phrase in Icelandic, you will notice the English translation.

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