Speak To The World

Do you know the things to say if you end up having trouble in Icelandic? You could be in a scenario where an individual is annoying you or perhaps you had misplaced your handbag in a country in which they speak Icelandic. Learn More

People do not need to get worried. We collected a range of Icelandic words which can be used in an emergency. More..
Icelandic Language Words

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List of Words on How to Deal with Problems in Icelandic Language

BuleForeigner (locals refer Bule Foreigners to the more western caucasian type)
Leave me alone.Jangan ganggu saya. (...)
Don't touch me!Jangan pegang saya! (...)
I'll call the police.Saya panggil polisi. (...)
Police!Polisi! (...)
Stop! Thief!Stop! Maling! (...)
Hey! Pickpocket!Hey! Copet! (...)
I need waterSaya perlu air (...)
I need your help.Saya minta tolong. (...)
It's an emergency.Ini darurat. (...)
I'm lost.Saya tersesat. (...)
I lost my bag.Saya kehilangan tas saya. (...)
I lost my wallet.Saya kehilangan dompet saya. (...)
I'm sick.Saya sakit. (...)
I've been injured.Saya terluka. (...)
I need a doctor.Saya perlu dokter. (...)
Can I use your phone?Bisa saya pakai telepon anda? (...)

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to check out a number of helpful Icelandic holiday key phrases that are structured by group. For each travel phrase in Icelandic, there’ll be the English translation.

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