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How to say money in Icelandic

Would like to know the Icelandic word money? we’ve got listed here an index of Icelandic money associated words there’s a chance you’re wanting whenever going in Icelandic speaking regions. Learn More

Going on a vacation is normally extremely expensive, for this reason it is vital to get a very good knowledge of Icelandic terminology for your money similar points just like trading money and business banking. More Info
Icelandic Language Words

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Every country all over the world possesses its own monetary system. Exchanging cash in Icelandic speaking regions is considered the most common banking necessity for visitors. For this reason, it is crucial that you will get the most for your money by getting acquainted with these basic money words in Icelandic.

Dealing With Money in Icelandic

You will find there’s listing of Icelandic words that can be used while dealing with cash in Iceland or maybe when shopping for anything in stores.

Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?Bisa pakai dollar Amerika /Australia / Kanada? (...)
Do you accept British pounds?Bisa pakai poundsterling Inggris? (...)
Do you accept credit cards?Bisa pakai kartu kredit? (...)
Can you change money for me?Apa saya bisa tukar uang? (...)
Where can I get money changed?Di mana saya bisa tukar uang? (...)
Can you change a traveler's check for me?Anda bisa tukar traveler's check saya? (...)
Where can I get a traveler's check changed?Di mana saya bisa tukar traveler's check? (...)
What is the exchange rate?Apa kursnya? (...)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?Di mana ada ATM? (dee MUN-nuh UH-duh AH-TEY-EM)

Select the hyperlinks below to find a list of practical Icelandic travel key phrases that are organized by theme. For each holiday word or phrase in Icelandic, you will find the English interpretation.

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