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Shopping in Icelandic Language Phrases

At any time when looking for outfits or gifts in different Icelandic speaking nation, you will need to know a few Icelandic words to work with when gift buying. Learn More

Key Icelandic Phrases to Know When Shopping

Icelandic Language Words

Learn Icelandic Language Online


Study the Icelandic words that are listed here and can be put to use in conversing when you shop in Icelandic language.
Do you have this in my size?Ada yang ukuran saya? (...)
How much is this?Berapa harganya? (...)
That's too expensive.Terlalu mahal. (...)
Would you take _____?Kalau _____ bagaimana? (...)
expensivemahal (...)
cheapmurah (...)
I can't afford it.Saya tidak bisa beli itu. (...)
I don't want it.‘nggak mau (informal) / Saya tidak mau (formal) (...)
You're cheating me.Saya ditipu ya? (...)
I'm not interested.Saya tidak tertarik. (..)
OK, I'll take it.OK, saya mau. (...)
Can I have a bag?Ada tas? (...)
Do you ship (overseas)?Bisa kirim (ke luar negeri)? (...)
I need...Saya perlu... (...)
...toothpaste....odol. (...)
...a toothbrush....sikat gigi. (...)
...condoms....kondom. (...)
...tampons....softeks / pembalut. (...)
...soap....sabun. (...)
...shampoo....sampo. (...)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)...obat pereda sakit (aspirin, parasetamol, …) (Note: ibuprofen is not widely available). (...)
...cold medicine....obat masuk angin. (...)
...stomach medicine....obat sakit perut. (...)
...a razor....cukuran kumis/jenggot. (...)
...an umbrella....payung. (...)
...a postcard....kartu pos. (...)
...postage stamps....perangko. (...)
...batteries....baterai. (...)
...writing paper....kertas. (...)
...a pen....balpen. (...)
...English-language books....buku-buku Inggris. (...)
...English-language magazines....majalah Inggris. (...)
...an English-language newspaper....koran Inggris. (...)
...an English-Indonesian dictionary....kamus Inggris-Indonesia. (...)

Select the hyperlinks directly below to check out a number of practical Icelandic holiday key phrases which are sorted by category. For each travel word or phrase in Icelandic, you will find the actual English interpretation.

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