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About Getting Directions in Serbian Language

As you are travelling in Serbia or any nation where people communicate in Serbian, have you any idea tips to get to your holiday destination? Commuting in Serbian-speaking nations is often exciting as well as amazing. Learn More

Nevertheless, it’s essential to know ways to ask recommendations in Serbian and also to understand what you are explained to. Serbian Phrases For Direction
Serbian Language Words

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This kind of Serbian expressions below will let you comprehend instructions in Serbian.

Useful Phrases For Getting Directions in Serbian

Where can I buy tickets?Где могу да купим карту? Gde mogu da kupim kartu? (GH-deh MOH-goo dah KOO-peem CAR-too?)
I want to go to......Желим да идем у...... Želim da idem u..... (ZHEH-leem dah EE-dehm oo...)
Do I need to book/make a reservation?Да ли треба да се резервише?, Da li treba da se rezerviše? (dah lee TREH-bah dah seh reh-zehr-VEE-shae?)
Can I get a stand-by ticket?Могу ли добити стенд-бај карту?, Mogu li dobiti stend-baj kartu? (MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee STEHND-bahy KAHR-too)
I'd like...Хтео бих..., Hteo bih... (KHTEH-oh beekh...)
....a one way ticket.....карту у једном смеру. ....kartu u jednom smeru. (KAHR-too ooh YEHD-nohm SMEH-roo)
....two tickets.....две карте. ....dve karte. (dveh KAHR-teh)
....a return ticket.....повратну карту. povratnu kartu. (pohv-RAHT-noo KAHR-too)
1st. class.прва класа, prva klasa (PEHR-vah KLAH-sah)
2nd. class.друга класа, druga klasa (DROO-gah KLAH-sah)
How do I get to _____ ?Како могу да стигнем до _____ ? Kako mogu da stignem do _____ ?(KAH-koh MOH-goo dah STEEG-nehm doh...?)
...the train station?...железничке станице? ... železničke stanice?(ZHEH-lehz-neech-keh STAH-nee-tseh)
...the bus station?...аутобуске станице? ... autobuske stanice? (ow-TOH-boos-keh STAH-nee-tseh)
...the airport?...аеродрома? ... aerodroma? (AH-eh-roh-droh-mah?)
...downtown?...центра града? ... centra grada? (TSEHN-trah GRAH-dah?)
...the hospital?...болнице? ...bolnice? (bohl-NEE-tseh?)
...the post office?...поште? ...pošte? (POHSH-teh?)
...the youth hostel?...омладинског хостела? ...omladinskog hostela? (OHM-lah-deens-kohg khoh-TEH-lah?)
...the _____ hotel?...хотела _____ ? ...hotela _____? (khoh-TEH-lah...?)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?...америчког/канадског/аустралијског/британског конзулата? ...američkog/kanadskog/australijskog/britanskog konzulata? (ah-MEH-reech-kohg/ KAH-nahds-kohg/ ows-TRAH-lyah-skohg/ BREE-tahns-kohg kohn-ZOO-lah-tah?)
Where are there a lot of...Где има пуно... Gde ima puno... (gdeh EE-mah POO-noh)
...hotels?...хотела? ...hotela? (khohs-TEH-lah)
...restaurants?...ресторана? ...restorana? (rehs-toh-RAH-nah)
...bars?...барова? ...barova? (BAH-roh-vah)
...sites to see?...знаменитости? ...znamenitosti? (ZNAH-meh-nee-tohs-tee?)
Can you show me on the map?Можете ли ми показати на карти? Možete li mi pokazati na karti? (MOH-zheh-teh lee mee poh-KAH-zah-tee nah KAHR-tee?)
streetулица, ulica (oo-LEE-tsah)
roadцеста, cesta (TSEHS-tah)
avenueавенија, avenija (ah-VEH-nyah)
boulevardбулевар, bulevar (boo-LEH-vahr)
highwayаутопут, autoput (ow-TOH-poot)
Turn left.Скрените лево. Skrenite levo. (SKREH-nee-teh LEH-voh)
Turn right.Скрените десно. Skrenite desno. (SKREH-nee-teh DEHS-noh)
leftлево levo (LEH-voh)
rightдесно desno (DEHS-noh)
straight aheadправо pravo (PRAH-voh)
towards the _____према _____ prema _____ (PREH-mah)
past the _____после _____ posle _____ (POHS-leh)
before the _____пре _____ pre _____ (preh)
Watch for the _____.Обратите пажњу на _____. Obratite pažnju na _____. (oh-BRAH-tee-teh PAHZH-nyoo nah...)
intersectionраскрсница raskrsnica (RAHS-kers-nee-tsah)
northсевер sever (SEH-vehr)
southјуг jug (yoog)
eastисток istok (EES-tohk)
westзапад zapad (ZAH-pahd)
uphillузбрдо uzbrdo (OOZ-ber-doh)
downhillнизбрдо nizbrdo (NEEZ-ber-doh)

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to check out a number of helpful Serbian holiday words and phrases which you’ll find structured by category. For each holiday phrase in Serbian, you will notice the English interpretation.

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