About Serbian Consonants Chart
Wish to know do you know the consonants when it comes to Serbian language? In articulatory phonetics, a Serbian consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or perhaps partial closure within the vocal region. The term consonant can also be employed to talk about a letter of the Serbian alphabet that denotes a consonant sound. Learn More
Serbian Consonants Chart
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Serbian Consonants in Alphabet
Many of the consonants are pronounced as in English, except for a few variations. | |
b | the 'b' in "abuse" |
c | always as 'ts' in "bits" |
č | the 'ch' in "chair" |
ć | the 'ch' in "church" |
d | the 'd' in "dog" |
đ | the 'd(u)' in "endure"; rarely used at the beginning of a word; this letter is sometimes written as dj; [the Cyrillic equivalent of this letter is "ђ"] |
dž | the 'dge' in "edge", but harder [the Cyrillic equivalent of this letter is "џ"]; seldom used |
f | the 'f' in "face" |
g | the 'g' in "gone" [always hard 'g'] |
h | the 'ch' in "loch" [aspirated sound] |
j | the 'y' in "yes" |
k | the 'k' in "kick" |
l | the 'l' in "like" |
lj | the 'li' in "million" [the Cyrillic equivalent of this letter is "љ"] |
m | the 'm' in "monkey" |
n | the 'n' in "noise" |
nj | the 'ny' in "canyon" [Spanish ñ nasal sound, the Cyrillic equivalent of this letter is "њ"] |
p | the 'p' in "post" |
r | the 'r' in "barco" [trilled 'r' like in Spanish language] |
s | the 's' in "sun" |
š | the 'sh' in "shower" |
t | the 't' in "talk" |
v | the 'v' in "vase" |
z | the 'z' in "zone" |
ž | the 'su' in "pleasure" |
q w x and y are not part of the Serbian alphabet, and they can occur only in foreign words. Hence, "text" in Serbian is written as "tekst", "expert" as "ekspert", "wagon" as "vagon", "quota" as "kvota" and "myth" as "mit". | |
Serbian Diphthongs in Alphabet
ija | the 'ia' in "Lydia" |
ije | the 'ie' in "miedo" |
aj | the 'ie' in "pie" (ia sound) |
oj | the 'oy' in "boy" |
oa | the 'oa' in "boa" |
ao | similar to the 'ou' in "out" |
eo | the 'eo' in "video" ('e' as in 'there') |
Select the hyperlinks below to see a list of beneficial Serbian travel phrases which you’ll find arranged by category. For each travel phrase in Serbian, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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