How do we say the Days of the week in Finnish language
When you find yourself visiting in Finland and someone asks you in Finnish “what day is it today?” you need to learn how to advise the days of the week in Finnish quickly. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You’ll need to write the time in Finnish perhaps. Start using our day terms in Finnish down below to understand the full week days in Finnish. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Finnish
today | tänään (TA-naan) |
yesterday | eilen (AY-lehn) |
tomorrow | huomenna (HOO-oh-mehn-nah) |
this week | tällä viikolla (TAL-la VEE-kohl-lah) |
last week | viime viikolla (VEE-meh VEE-kohl-lah) |
next week | ensi viikolla (EHN-see VEE-kohl-lah) |
Sunday | sunnuntai (SOON-noon-tigh) |
Monday | maanantai (MAH-nahn-tigh) |
Tuesday | tiistai (TEES-tigh) |
Wednesday | keskiviikko (KEHS-kee-veek-koh) |
Thursday | torstai (TOHRS-tigh) |
Friday | perjantai (PEHR-yahn-tigh) |
Saturday | lauantai (LAU-ahn-tigh) |
Months in Finnish Language
January | tammikuu (TAHM-mee-koo) |
February | helmikuu (HEHL-mee-koo) |
March | maaliskuu (MAH-leess-koo) |
April | huhtikuu (HOOHH-tee-koo) |
May | toukokuu (TOH-koh-koo) |
June | kesäkuu (KEH-sa-koo) |
July | heinäkuu (HAY-na-koo) |
August | elokuu (EH-loh-koo) |
September | syyskuu (SUUS-koo) |
October | lokakuu (LOH-kah-koo) |
November | marraskuu (MAHR-rahss-koo) |
December | joulukuu (YOH-loo-koo) |
Click on the hyperlinks directly below to find a number of useful Finnish holiday keyword phrases which you’ll find arranged by theme. For each travel phrase in Finnish, you will notice the actual English interpretation.
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