Alphabet in French Language
Understanding the French alphabet is important to learn the French Language. French alphabet configuration is practiced in a daily conversation. Without the French alphabet, it is impossible to speak the French phrases properly even if a person understand how to write those words in French. Learn More
Like in any language, the better a person articulate a letter in a word, the better understood you’ll be in conversing in the French language. Below are links which redirects you to the French alphabet and exactly how it’s pronounced in English.
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Vowels in French Alphabet
| Vowels in French can have accent marks, which generally have no noticeable impact on pronunciation, but they often distinguish between homophones in writing (ou, meaning or, and où, meaning where, are pronounced the same). The only really important one is é, which is always pronounced "ay", and changes the meaning of the word. |
a, à - | like "a" in "fat" |
â | like "a" in "father" |
e | in most cases a central neutral vowel ("schwa") like "a" in "about", sometimes not pronounced at all, sometimes like "é" or "è" |
é, è, ê, ai, -er, -es, -ez | |
é is towards "e" in "set" or "ay" in "day", and è is more nasal, like the a in "cake" in English, except without the "y" sound at the end. They are not equivalent and they make very distinct sounds. | |
i, î | like "ee" in "see" but shorter and tenser |
o, ô, au, eau | generally like "oa" in "boat" in American English or "aw" in "law" in British English, can be considered equivalent |
u, ù | like a very tight, frontal "oo" sound (purse your lips as if to pronounce "oo" as in "soon" but try to pronounce "ee") - uu in transcriptions |
ou | like "oo" in "food", but a pure vowel |
y | like "ee" in "see" ; also sometimes used as a consonant, pronounced the same as in English (in 'yes' for example). |
eu | between "ew" in "dew" and "ur" in "burp"; written eu or uh in transcriptions |
oi | like "wa" in "walk" |
oui | like "wee" in "week" |
ui | like "wee" in "week", but with a French u instead of the w |
œ | a bit like "eu" but more "open". The distinction between œ and "eu" is very subtle and often irrelevant. |
Consonants in French Alphabet
| Note: Most final consonants are silent except for c, q, f, l, and r (except in the combination "-er", normally found in verb infinitives). Note that the plural ending "-ent" for verbs is never pronounced, though it is pronounced in other words. |
b | like "b" in "bed" |
c | like "k" in "sky" (before "a", "o", and "u" or before a consonent), like "s" in "sun" (before "e", "i", and "y") |
ç | like "s" in "sun" (this letter can only be written before "a" ,"o", or "u") |
d | like "d" in "death" (but a bit heavier than in English, and pronounced on the tongue) |
f | like "f" in "fun" |
g | like "g" in "go" (before "a", "o", and "u" or before a consonent), like "g" in "sabotage" (before "e", "i" and "y"). |
gu | like "g" in "goose" (before "e", "i", "y") |
gn | like "ny" in "canyon". This is particularly difficult when followed by oi, as in baignoire (beh-NYWAR) "bathtub". |
h | usually silent, but may sometimes prevent a liaison with the former word |
j | like "g" in "sabotage" |
k | like "k" in "sky" (not native to French) |
l, ll | like "l" in "like"; some exceptions for "ll" in the combination "ille" (pronounced ee-y) |
m | like "m" in "me" |
n | like "n" in "nurse" (but see Nasals below) |
p | like "p" in "sport" |
q(u) | most of the time like "k" in "sky" (not like "qu" in "square"); in some words like "qu" in "square" (generally before an "a") or the same but with a French u (generally before an "i") |
r | guttural; kind of like coughing up a hairball (similar to a German "ch") |
s | like "s" in "sun"; like "z" in "zero" (between two vowels) |
ch | like "sh" in "bush"; sometimes like "k" in "sky" (in words of Greek origin mostly) |
t, th | like "t" in "stop" |
v | like "v" in "value" |
w | only in foreign words, mostly like "w" in "wise" and sometimes like "v" in "value" (in particular, "wagon" is "vagon" and "WC" is "VC"!) |
x | either ks (like "x" in "exit") or gz |
z | like "z" in "zero" |
ph | like "f" in "fun" and like "ph" in "Philadelphia" |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in French Alphabet
an, en, em | in standard French, like "an" in "croissant" and in Quebec French, like "uh" in "uh-huh" (not always pronounced as a nasal, especially if the n or m is doubled: emmental is pronounced as a normal "emm" sound) |
on | nasal ô - distinguishing between this and "an" is tricky, it's a deeper, more closed sound |
in, ain | in standard French, like "uh" in "uh-huh" and in Quebec French, like "ain" in "rain" |
un | nasal eu (pronounced the same as 'in' in Parisian French) |
ail | like "i" in "fight" |
ill | either literally, or like "y" in "three years", with some exceptions (ville is veel, fille is feey) |
| When there is an accent mark on "e", it prevents diphthongs. Letters should be pronounced separately, following the rule for the accented letter. Example: énergumène, (rowdy character), réunion (meeting). |
| A diaeresis (") may also be used to prevent diphthongs on "e", "u" and "i". Example: maïs (Indian corn or maize). |
| In the combinations "gue" and "gui", the "u" should not be pronounced: it is there only to force the prononciation of "g" as in "go". If the "u" is pronounced, a diaeresis is added on the 2nd vowel : aiguë (sharp). |
| In the combination "geo", the "e" should not be pronounced, it is only there to force the prononciation of "g" as in "sabotage" (in the case the "e" should be pronounced, it is indicated with an accent mark as in géologie). |
| Note you should not pronounce the "G" where "NG" is used in the prononciation hint. |
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