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Shopping in French Language Phrases

Whenever searching for outfits or mementos in almost any French speaking nation, you will have to know a number of French sentences to make use of when browsing. Learn More

Key French Phrases to Know When Shopping

French Language Words

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Discover the French key phrases that are listed here and can be used for conversing while you shop in French language.
Do you have this in my size?Avez-vous ceci dans ma taille ? (AH-veh-VOO say-SEE dan sma THAI)
How much (is this)?Combien (ça) coûte ? (COMM-bee-yen (SAH) coot)
That's too expensive.C'est trop cher. (say-TRO-shair)
Would you take _____?Pourriez-vous accepter _____ ? (poor-yay-VOOZ ahk-sep-TAY)
expensivecher (shehr)
cheapbon marché (bong mar-SHAY) (not declined. Elles sont bon marché.) or pas cher (pah shehr) ("not expensive". Less formal but more common.)
I can't afford it.Je n'ai pas les moyens. (zhe nay pah leh mwah-YAHNG)
I don't want it.Je n'en veux pas. (zhe nahng veu pah)
You're cheating me.Vous essayez de me faire avoir. (vooz ess-ey-YE duh muh fehr ah-VWAHR)
I'm not interested.Je ne suis pas intéressé. (zhen swee pahz-ann-tay-ress-SAY)
OK, I'll take it.D'accord, je le/la prends. (dah-kor zhe luh/lah prahn)
Can I have a bag?Pourrais-je avoir un sac ? (poo-REHZH ah-VWAR ung sahk)
Do you ship (overseas)?Livrez-vous (outre-mer/à l'étranger) ? (leev-ray-VOO ootr-MEHR/ah lay-trahn-ZHAY)
I need...J'ai besoin... (zhay buh-ZWANG)
...toothpaste....de dentifrice. (deh dahn-tee-FREESS)
...a toothbrush....d'une brosse à dents. (duun bross ah DAHN)
...tampons....de tampons. (deh tahm-POHN)
...soap....de savon. (deh sah-VOHN)
...shampoo....de shampooing. (deh shahm-PWAHN)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)...d'un analgésique (aspirine, ibuprofène);. (dun ah-nal-zhay-ZEEK (ahs-pee-REEN/ee-buu-proh-FEN))
...cold medicine....d'un médicament pour le rhume. (dung may-dee-kah-MAHNG poor luh RUUM)
...stomach medicine....d'un remède pour l'estomac. (dung ray-MED poor less-toh-MAHK)
...a razor....d'un rasoir. (dung rah-ZWAR)
...batteries....de piles. (deh PEEL)
...an umbrella. (rain)...d'un parapluie. (doon pah-ra-ploo-ee)
...an umbrella. (sun)...d'une ombrelle. (doon ohm-brehl-ee)
...sunblock lotion....de crème solaire. (deh crehm so-LEHR)
...a postcard....d'une carte postale. (doon kahrt post-AL)
...postage stamps....de timbres. (deh TAHM-burs)
...writing paper....de papier à lettres. (deh pap-YEH ah LEH-TR)
...a pen....d'un stylo. (doon STEE-loh)
...English-language books....de livres en anglais. (deh LEE-vruhs ehn ahngh-LEH)
...English-language magazines....de revues en anglais. (deh REH-voos ehn ahngh-LEH)
...an English-language newspaper....d'un journal en anglais. (doon zhoar-NAL ahn ahng-LEH)
...a French-English dictionary....d'un dictionnaire français-anglais. (uhn deect-shee-ohn-AIR frahn-SEH ahng-LEH)

Select the hyperlinks below to view a list of useful French holiday phrases that are structured by theme. For each travel phrase in French, you will notice the English interpretation.

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