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How do we say the Days of the week in French language

If you find yourself venturing in France and people actually asks you in French “what day is it today?” you’ve got to recognize how to communicate the days of the week in French easily and quickly. What if someone asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You will have to write the time in French maybe. Make use of our day terms in French under to tell the full week days in French. Learn More

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Telling the Days of The Week in French

todayaujourd'hui (oh-zhoor-DWEE)
yesterdayhier (ee-yair)
tomorrowdemain (duh-MANG)
this weekcette semaine (set suh-MEN)
last weekla semaine dernière (lah suh-MEN dehr-NYAIR)
next weekla semaine prochaine (lah suh-MEN praw-SHEN)
Note: French calendars normally start on Monday.
Mondaylundi (luhn-DEE)
Tuesdaymardi (mahr-DEE)
Wednesdaymercredi (mehr-kruh-DEE)
Thursdayjeudi (juh-DEE)
Fridayvendredi (vahn-druh-DEE)
Saturdaysamedi (sahm-DEE)
Sundaydimanche (dee-MAHNGSH)

Months in French Language

Januaryjanvier (zhahng-VYAY)
Februaryfévrier (fay-VRYAY)
Marchmars (mahrs)
Aprilavril (ah-VREEL)
Maymai (meh)
Junejuin (zhwang)
Julyjuillet (zhwee-YAY)
Augustaoût (oot)
Septemberseptembre (set-TAHMBR)
Octoberoctobre (ock-TOHBR)
Novembernovembre (noh-VAHMBR)
Decemberdécembre (day-SAHMBR)

Select the hyperlinks directly below to view a list of practical French travel keyword phrases which are organized by category. For every travel phrase in French, you will see the English interpretation.

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