Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Japanese Language
Choose to book a hotel room in Japan? How do you say, I wish to reserve an accommodation in Japanese? Useful Japanese terminology when it comes to arranging a room in motels or wanting to request a room with a balcony. Learn More
Making use of the Japanese accommodation relevant keyword phrases shown below, you’ll get to express your questions in Japanese. Most of these inquiries include: “how many days you’re booking for?” and “how much would it cost to book a room?” Subsequently, you will be able to grasp the actual answers in Japanese.
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Do you have any rooms available? | 空いてる部屋ありますか? (Aiteru heya arimasu ka?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | 一人・二人用の部屋はいくらですか? (Hitori/futari-yō no heya wa ikura desu ka?) |
Is the room Japanese/Western style? | 和室/洋室ですか? (Washitsu/yōshitsu desu ka?) |
Does the room come with... | 部屋は ... 付きですか? (Heya wa ___ tsuki desu ka?) |
...bedsheets? | 床の枚...? (yuka no mai...) |
...a bathroom? | 風呂場...? (furoba...) |
...a telephone? | 電話...? (denwa...) |
...a TV? | テレビ? (terebi...) |
May I see the room first? | 部屋を見てもいいですか? (Heya o mite mo ii desu ka?) |
Do you have a room that is ...? | もっと ... 部屋ありますか? (Motto ... heya arimasu ka?) |
...quieter? | 静かな...? (shizuka na...) |
...bigger? | 広い...? (hiroi...) |
...cleaner? | きれいな...? (kirei na...) |
...cheaper? | 安い...? (yasui...) |
OK, I'll take it. | はい、これで良いです。(Hai, kore de ii desu.) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | _____ 晩泊まります。(____ ban tomarimasu.) |
Do you know another place to stay? | 他の宿はご存知ですか? (Hoka no yado wa gozonji desu ka?) |
Do you have ... ? | ... ありますか? (... arimasu ka?) |
...a safe? | 金庫...? (kinko...?) |
...lockers? | 戸棚...? (todana...?) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | 朝食・夕食は付きますか? (Chōshoku/yūshoku wa tsukimasu ka?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | 朝食・夕食は何時ですか? (Chōshoku/yūshoku wa nanji desu ka?) |
Please clean my room. | 部屋を掃除してください。 (Heya o sōji shite kudasai.) |
Please wake me at _____. | _____ に起こしてください。 (____ ni okoshite kudasai.) |
I want to check out. | チェックアウトです。(Chekku auto (check out) desu.) |
Select the links below to view a list of practical Japanese travel key phrases that are sorted by theme. For every holiday phrase in Japanese, you will find the English interpretation.
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