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About Getting Directions in Japanese Language

While you are venturing in Japan or any nation where people converse in Japanese, have you any idea tips to get to your vacation destination? Traveling in Japanese-speaking nations could be inspiring and adventurous. Learn More

Nonetheless, it’s essential to know how you can request recommendations in Japanese as well as understand what you might be explained to. Japanese Phrases For Direction
Japanese Language Words

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This kind of Japanese terminology below will help you understand directions in Japanese.

Useful Phrases For Getting Directions in Japanese

How do I get to ...?... はどちらですか? (_____ wa dochira desu ka?)
...the train station?駅...? (eki...)
...the bus station?バス停...? (basu tei...)
...the airport?空港...? (kūkō...)
...downtown?街の中心...? (machi no chūshin...)
...the youth hostel?ユースホステル...? (yūsu hosuteru...)
...the _____ hotel?_____ ホテル...? (hoteru...)
...the _____ embassy/consulate?_____大使館/領事館...? (_____ taishikan/ryōjikan...)
Where are there a lot of ......が多い所はどこですか? (_____ga ooi tokoro wa doko desu ka?)
...lodgings?宿...? (yado...)
...restaurants?レストラン...? (resutoran...)
...bars?バー...? (baa...)
...sites to see?見物...? (mimono...)
Where is _____?_____はどこですか? (_____ wa doko desu ka?)
Is it far from here?ここから遠いですか? (Koko kara tooi desu ka?)
Please show me on the map.地図で指して下さい。 (Chizu de sashite kudasai.)
street道 (michi)
Turn left.左へ曲がってください。 (Hidari e magatte kudasai.)
Turn right.右へ曲がってください。(Migi e magatte kudasai.)
left左 (hidari)
right右 (migi)
straight aheadまっすぐ (massugu)
towards the __________ へ向かって (e mukatte)
past the __________ の先 (no saki)
before the __________ の前 (no mae)
Watch for the _____._____が目印です。 (ga mejirushi desu.)
intersection交差点 (kōsaten)
traffic light信号 (shingou)
north北 (kita)
south南 (minami)
east東 (higashi)
west西 (nishi)
uphill上り (nobori), also used for trains heading towards Tokyo
downhill下り (kudari), also used for trains coming from Tokyo

Click on the hyperlinks below to check out a number of practical Japanese travel key phrases that are organized by group. For every holiday word or phrase in Japanese, you will notice the actual English interpretation.

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