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About Japanese Pronunciation Rules

Pronunciation in Japanese is definitely the best way the Japanese word or simply a Japanese language is normally spoken, or the manner in which someone articulates the single expression. If one is thought to have the”ideal Japanese pronunciation”, this refers to both of these within a particular Japanese language. Learn More

A Japanese word could be said in different ways by numerous people or communities and that varies according to a number of elements, for instance: the actual period of the cultural exposure during their own childhood years, exactly where the person resides, their unique cultural community, his or her social position, and also ones own education. Learn the rules
Japanese Language Words

Learn Japanese Language Online


Within Japanese, the exact same letter found in two diverse words might make two specific sounds. Many letters in Japanese language are not pronounced at all. Usually, it is possible to sound out words. Hence, many experienced non native Japanese speakers (and occasionally some native speakers) often mispronounce Japanese words.

Like English, Japanese pronunciation can be quite difficult, as a result of intricacies like silent letters, various sounds for one single letter, not to mention never ending conditions to whichever rules you get in the actual Japanese pronunciation. This website has lots of internet pages which describes the actual Japanese pronunciation policies not to mention conditions in perfect detail. Nevertheless this is all good meant for advanced students, however can be quite complex for first timers of Japanese language. We aim to ease Japanese pronunciation rules in order to make it easier for you to get started in Japanese, even if you do not really know how each individual Japanese letter blend is normally pronounced in almost every circumstance. We understand that in due course, you will need to study even more in-depth Japanese courses on Japanese pronunciation rules.

Learn How to Pronounce Japanese Words

The hiragana syllables は ha, へ he and を wo are pronounced as wa, e and o respectively when used as a particle.
Japanese grammar generally employs a subject-object-verb order, but is very modular and flexible since the grammatical meaning of a word is expressed by the morphemes glued to its end and special marker particles. The two most important particles are the topic marker は wa and the object marker を o.
I saw the movie.私は映画を見ました。
Watashi-wa eiga-o mimashita.
I-[topic] movie-[object] seen.
It becomes a little more complicated if both objects and subjects are mixed within a sentence and the subject marker が ga is thrown in.
I discovered that she likes tea.私は彼女がお茶を好きな事が分かった。
Watashi-wa kanojo-ga ocha-o sukinakoto-ga wakatta.
I-[topic] she-[subj.] tea-[obj.] like-[subj.] understood.
Students of the language can spend years wrapping their heads around the difference between the topic of a sentence (marked by は wa) and the subject of a sentence (marked by が ga). However, as a beginner, you can fairly safely always use は wa to mark the person doing the action and get your message across.
some other useful particles are:
の nopossessive marker
The mother's child
haha no ko
で de, に niindicating places and times
in Tokyo
at 2 o'clock
から kara, へ e, まで madefrom, towards, until
From here towards Osaka until Nara.
koko kara Ōsaka-e Nara-made
と to, か kaand, or
This and that.
kore to sore
This or that.
kore ka sore
か? ka?question forming particle
Are you going to Tokyo?
Tōkyō ni ikimasu ka?

Select the hyperlinks directly below to find a number of beneficial Japanese travel words which are arranged by group. For each travel word or phrase in Japanese, you will see the English translation.

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