Common Signs in Czech Language
Planning to travel to a Czech speaking country? Have you asked yourself if you will definitely have enough knowledge to understand the roads signs and symptoms in Czech or the usual signs within an airport of your destination? Learn More
Much of our typical signs when it comes to Czech displays famous signage in public places and general streets signs or symptoms within Czech Republic. It is necessary to get familiar with these kinds of signs before you visit a Czech speaking region, as it can certainly assist you while driving a vehicle or going for walks, guide you in a serious event situation, or simply just help make your life a lot easier when you are staying in Czech Republic or any other region where they speak the Czech language.
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List of Common Signs in Czech Language
OPEN | Otevřeno (oh-teh-VRZHEH-noh) |
CLOSED | Zavřeno (zah-VRZHEH-noh) |
ENTRANCE | Vchod (fkhot) |
EXIT | Východ (VEE-khot) |
PUSH (on a door) | Tam (tahm) |
PULL (on a door) | Sem (sehm) |
TOILET | Toalety/WC (toa-LEH-tih/ VEH TSEH) |
MEN | Muži/Páni (MOO-zhih/ PAHH-nih) |
WOMEN | Ženy/Dámy (ZHEH-nih/ DAHH-mih) |
FORBIDDEN | Vstup zakázán (vehs-toop zah-KAHH-zahhn) |
Select the hyperlinks below to check out a list of useful Czech holiday keyword phrases that are structured by theme. For each travel word or phrase in Czech, you will see the actual English interpretation.
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