If you are in Czech Republic or maybe a Czech speaking nation, ever thought about the right way to tell the time in Czech? Telling the actual time in Czech is all about learning the Czech numbers and a couple of principles with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds when it comes to Czech. Learn More
In this page, you will learn simply the right way to tell the time when it comes to Czech while using the subsequent terms with regard to:
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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Czech Language
now | teď (tehtch) |
later | později (POHZ-dyeh-yih) |
before | před (przhehd) |
morning | ráno (RAHH-noh) |
afternoon | odpoledne (OHD-poh-lehd-neh) |
evening | večer (VEH-chehr) |
night | noc (nohts) |
Need to know the simplest way to say 6 o’clock in Czech? Take advantage of the sentences directly below to assist you to tell the actual time on the actual clock in Czech.
When using digital time in the Czech Republic, it's usual to use a 24 hour clock, ranging from 0.00 to 24.00. Okay, 24.00 is actually the same as 0.00, but one day later. However, both 12 and 24 hour formats | |
can be used when speaking about time. There are three ways to specify, for example, two o'clock PM "dvě hodiny" (literally "two hours", AM/PM information must be clear from the | |
context), "dvě hodiny odpoledne" (literally "two hours in the afternoon") or "čtrnáct hodin" (literally "fourteen hours"). | |
one o'clock AM | jedna hodina (YEHD-nah HOH-dih-nah) |
two o'clock AM | dvě hodiny (dvyeh HOH-dih-nih) |
noon | poledne (POH-lehd-neh) |
one o'clock PM | třináct hodin (TRZHIH-naatst HOH-dihn) |
two o'clock PM | čtrnáct hodin (CHTR-naatst HOH-dihn) |
midnight | půlnoc (POOL-nohts) |
There are two ways of expressing "fractional hours". The simpler way is just to spell out a digital time in the 24 hour format. For example 16:30 (half past four in the afternoon) would be spelled as "šestnáct třicet", | |
literally "sixteen thirty". This way is often used when time exact down to a single minute is to be given or just because the speaker is too lazy to mentally convert a digital time to a different format. | |
The other, nicer way is as follows: | |
Quarter past nine (21:15) - čtvrt na deset (literally "a quarter to ten") | |
Half past nine (21:30) - půl desáté (literally "a half of ten") | |
A quarter to ten (21:45) - třičtvrtě na deset (literally "three quarters to ten") | |
The 12 hour format is always used with this method. If it is not clear from the context, it can be appended by a word like "ráno" (early morning), "dopoledne" (late morning), | |
odpoledne (afternoon) or "večer" (evening), eg. "půl desáté večer" (21 | |
Attention: When this method is used, Czech always refers to the upcoming full hour! This is different from English, which refers always to the full hour which is closer (and to the | |
previous one when in the middle between two full hours). | |
Make use of the fundamental Czech words and phrases to know the time length such as a Year, Week and a Month in Czech language.
_____ minute(s) | _____ minuta (if 2-4 then minuty, else minut) (mee-NOO-tah, mee-NOO-tih, MEE-noot) |
_____ hour(s) | _____ hodina (if 2-4 then hodiny, else hodin) (hoh-DIH-nah, hoh-DIH-nih, HOH-dihn) |
_____ day(s) | _____ den (if 2-4 then dny, else dní) (dehn, dnih, dnee) |
_____ week(s) | _____ týden (if 2-4 then týdny, else týdnů) (TOO-dehn, TOOD-nih, TOOD-noo) |
_____ month(s) | _____ měsíc (if 2-4 then měsíce, else měsíců) (MJEH-sihk, MJEH-sih-tseh, MJEH-sih-tsoo) |
_____ year(s) | _____ rok (if 2-4 then roky/léta, else roků/let) (rohk, ROH-kih/LAIR-tah, ROH-koo/leht) |
Select the links below to view a number of beneficial Czech holiday phrases that are structured by theme. For every travel word or phrase in Czech, there’ll be the actual English translation.
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