How do we say the Days of the week in Czech language
If you find yourself traveling in Czech Republic and someone asks you in Czech “what day is it today?” you will need to have learned to tell the days of the 7 days in Czech simply. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You’ll need to write the time in Czech perhaps. Make use of our day sentences in Czech under to determine the full week days in Czech. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Czech
day | den (dehn) |
night | noc (nohts) |
afternoon | odpoledne (OHT-poh-lehd-neh) |
morning | dopoledne (DOH-poh-lehd-neh) |
today | dnes (dnehs) |
tonight | dnes večer (dnehs VEH-chehr) |
yesterday | včera (FCHEH-rah) |
yesterday evening | včera v noci (FCHEH-rah veh NOH-tsee) |
the day before yesterday | předevčírem (PRZHEH-dehf-chee-rehm) |
tomorrow | zítra (ZEE-trah) |
the day after tomorrow | pozítří (POH-zee-trzhee) |
this week | tento týden (TEHN-toh TEE-dehn) |
last week | minulý týden (MIH-noo-lee TEE-dehn) |
next week | příští týden (PRZHEESH-tee TEE-dehn) |
Monday is viewed as the first day in week in the Czech Republic. | Monday |
Tuesday | úterý (OO-teh-ree) |
Wednesday | středa (STRZHEH-dah) |
Thursday | čtvrtek (CHTVR-tehk) |
Friday | pátek (PAA-tehk) |
Saturday | sobota (SOH-boh-tah) |
Sunday | neděle (NEH-dyeh-leh) |
Months in Czech Language
January | leden (LEH-dehn) |
February | únor (OO-nohr) |
March | březen (BRZHEH-zehn) |
April | duben (DOO-behn) |
May | květen (KVYEH-tehn) |
June | červen (CHEHR-vehn) |
July | červenec (CHER-veh-nehts) |
August | srpen (SAIR-pehn) |
September | září (ZAH-rzhee) |
October | říjen (RZHEE-yehn) |
November | listopad (LEES-toh-pahd) |
December | prosinec (PROH-see-nehts) |
Click on the hyperlinks directly below to find a list of practical Czech travel words and phrases that are organized by category. For each holiday word or phrase in Czech, there’ll be the actual English interpretation.
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