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About Getting Directions in Dutch Language

As you are visiting in The Netherlands or any country where many people talk in Dutch, have you learnt ways to get to your destination? Holidaying in Dutch-speaking countries can be interesting and also adventurous. Learn More

Then again, it is good to find out easy methods to request recommendations in Dutch and also to know very well what you will be advised. Dutch Phrases For Direction
Dutch Language Words

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This Dutch vocabulary below will help you fully grasp instructions in Dutch.

Useful Phrases For Getting Directions in Dutch

How do I get to ... ?Hoe kom ik bij ... ? (HOO kum ick bey)
...the train station?...het station? (hut stah-SYON)
...the bus station?...het busstation? (hut BUS-stah-SYON)
...the airport?...de luchthaven? (duh LUGHT-hah-vuhn)
...downtown?...het centrum? (hut CEN-trum)
...the youth hostel?...de jeugdherberg? (duh YEUGHT-hayr-behrgh)
...the _____ hotel?...het _____ hotel? (hut _____ hoh-TELL)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?...het Amerikaans/Canadees/Australisch/Brits consulaat? (hut ah-may-ree-KAHNS/kah-nah-DAYS/OW-STRAH-lees/BRITS con-suu-LAHT)
Where are there a lot of ...Waar zijn er veel ... (WAHR zayn er VAYL)
...hotels?...hotels? (hoh-TELLS)
...restaurants?...restaurants? (res-tow-RAHNTS)
...bars?...bars? (BAHRS)
...sites to see?...bezienswaardigheden? (buh-zeens-WAHR-dugh-hay-duhn)
Can you show me on the map?Kunt u mij dat tonen op de kaart? (KUNT uu may daht TOW-nuhn op duh KAHRT)
streetstraat (STRAHT)
Turn left.Sla links af. (slah LINKS ahf)
Turn right.Sla rechts af. (slah REGHTS ahf)
leftlinks (LINKS)
rightrechts (REGHTS)
straight aheadrechtdoor (REGH-dore)
towards the _____naar _____ (NAHR)
past the _____na de/het _____ (NAH duh/hut)
before the _____voor de/het _____ (VORE duh/hut)
Watch for the _____.Kijk uit voor de/het _____. (keyk IGHT vore duh/hut)
intersectionkruispunt (KRUYSS-punt)
northnoorden (NOHR-duhn)
southzuiden (ZIGH-duhn)
eastoosten (OHS-tuhn)
westwesten (WES-tuhn)
uphillbergop (bayr-GHOP)
downhillbergaf (bayr-GHAHF)
How do I get to ... ?Hoe kom ik bij ... ? (HOO kum ick bey)
...the train station?...het station? (hut stah-SYON)
...the bus station?...het busstation? (hut BUS-stah-SYON)
...the airport?...de luchthaven? (duh LUGHT-hah-vuhn)
...downtown?...het centrum? (hut CEN-trum)
...the youth hostel?...de jeugdherberg? (duh YEUGHT-hayr-behrgh)
...the _____ hotel?...het _____ hotel? (hut _____ hoh-TELL)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?...het Amerikaans/Canadees/Australisch/Brits consulaat? (hut ah-may-ree-KAHNS/kah-nah-DAYS/OW-STRAH-lees/BRITS con-suu-LAHT)
Where are there a lot of ...Waar zijn er veel ... (WAHR zayn er VAYL)
...hotels?...hotels? (hoh-TELLS)
...restaurants?...restaurants? (res-tow-RAHNTS)
...bars?...bars? (BAHRS)
...sites to see?...bezienswaardigheden? (buh-zeens-WAHR-dugh-hay-duhn)
Can you show me on the map?Kunt u mij dat tonen op de kaart? (KUNT uu may daht TOW-nuhn op duh KAHRT)
streetstraat (STRAHT)
Turn left.Sla links af. (slah LINKS ahf)
Turn right.Sla rechts af. (slah REGHTS ahf)
leftlinks (LINKS)
rightrechts (REGHTS)
straight aheadrechtdoor (REGH-dore)
towards the _____naar _____ (NAHR)
past the _____na de/het _____ (NAH duh/hut)
before the _____voor de/het _____ (VORE duh/hut)
Watch for the _____.Kijk uit voor de/het _____. (keyk IGHT vore duh/hut)
intersectionkruispunt (KRUYSS-punt)
northnoorden (NOHR-duhn)
southzuiden (ZIGH-duhn)
eastoosten (OHS-tuhn)
westwesten (WES-tuhn)
uphillbergop (bayr-GHOP)
downhillbergaf (bayr-GHAHF)

Select the links directly below to check out a list of beneficial Dutch travel key phrases which you’ll find sorted by theme. For every holiday word or phrase in Dutch, there’ll be the actual English interpretation.

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