Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Dutch Language
Desire to reserve a hotel room in The Netherlands? Find out how to say, I wish to book an accommodation in Dutch? Practical Dutch vocab when it comes to making your reservation for a room in resorts or wanting to request a room with a deck. Learn More
Together with the Dutch holiday accommodation similar keyword phrases below, you’ll get to ask your questions in Dutch. Some of these inquiries include: “how many nights you will be booking for?” and “how much would it cost to book a room?” Subsequently, you will be able to understand the replies in Dutch.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Heeft u kamers vrij? (hayft uu KAH-murs vraiy) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Hoeveel kost een eenpersoonskamer/tweepersoonskamer? (HOO-vale kost uhn ANE-pur-sones-kah-mur/TWAY-pur-sones-kah-mur) |
Does the room come with bedsheets | Zijn er lakens in de kamer? (zaiyn uhr LAH-kuns in duh KAH-mur) |
Does the room come with... | Is er een ... in de kamer? (is uhr uhn ... in duh KAH-mur) |
...a bathroom? | ...een badkamer (...uhn BAHT-kah-mur) |
...a telephone? | ...een telefoon (...uhn tay-lay-FONE) |
...a TV? | ...een TV (...uhn tay-VAY) |
May I see the room first? | Mag ik de kamer eerst zien? (Magh ick ayrst duh KAH-mur zene) |
Do you have anything quieter | Heeft u iets rustigers? (hayft uu eets RUSS-tih-ghur) |
Do you have anything... | Heeft u een ... kamer? (hayft uu uhn ... KAH-mur) |
...bigger? | ...groter? (...GHROH-turr) |
...cleaner? | ...schoner? (...SGHONE-uhr) |
...cheaper? | ...goedkoper? (...ghoot-KOWE-pur) |
OK, I'll take it. | Goed, ik neem deze. (ghoot ick name DAY-zuh) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Ik blijf _____ nacht(en). (ick blaiyf _____ naght(uhn)) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Kan u mij een ander hotel aanraden? (Kan uu maiy uhn ahn-DUR howe-TEL AHN-rah-dun) |
Do you have a safe? | Heeft u een kluis? (hayft uu uhn kluys) |
...lockers? | ...baggagekastjes? (bah-GHAH-zuh-kass-tyus) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Is het ontbijt/avondeten inbegrepen? (is hut ont-BAIYT/AH-vund-ay-tun IN-buh-gray-pun) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Hoe laat is het ontbijt/avondeten? (hoo laht is hut ont-BAIYT/AH-vund-ay-tun) |
Please clean my room. | Kunt u mijn kamer schoonmaken. (kunt uu maiyn KAH-mur SGHONE-mah-kun) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Kunt u mij wekken om _____? (kunt uu maiy WEH-kun om _____) |
I want to check out. | Ik wil vertrekken. (ick wil vur-TRECK-un) |
Select the hyperlinks below to see a list of practical Dutch travel keyword phrases which are arranged by category. For every holiday word or phrase in Dutch, you will find the actual English interpretation.
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