In case you are in The Netherlands or perhaps a Dutch speaking nation, ever thought about how to tell the actual time in Dutch? Telling the actual time in Dutch depends upon learning the Dutch numbers and a couple of guidelines with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds when it comes to Dutch. Learn More
In this particular page, you’ll learn simply the best way to reveal to the time when it comes to Dutch while using the following sentences with regard to:
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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Dutch Language
before | voor (VOHR) |
now | nu (NUU) |
later | later (LAH-tuhr) |
morning | ochtend (OHG-tuhnt) |
afternoon | middag (MID-dahg) |
evening | avond (AH-vuhnt) |
night | nacht (NAHGT) |
before | voor (VOHR) |
now | nu (NUU) |
later | later (LAH-tuhr) |
morning | ochtend (OHG-tuhnt) |
afternoon | middag (MID-dahg) |
evening | avond (AH-vuhnt) |
night | nacht (NAHGT) |
Would like to know the way to say five o-clock in Dutch? Make use of the sentences underneath to assist you to tell the latest time on the clock in Dutch.
one o'clock (when AM/PM are obvious) | een uur (AIN uuhr) |
two o'clock (when AM/PM are obvious) | twee uur (TWAY uuhr) |
one o'clock AM | een uur 's nachts (AIN uuhr snahgts) |
two o'clock AM | twee uur 's nachts (TWAY uuhr snahgts) |
noon | tussen de middag (TUHS-suhn duh MID-dahg) |
one o'clock PM | een uur 's middags (AIN uuhr SMID-dahgs) |
two o'clock PM | twee uur 's middags (TWAY uuhr SMID-dahgs) |
midnight | middernacht (MID-duhr-nahgt) |
one o'clock (when AM/PM are obvious) | een uur (AIN uuhr) |
two o'clock (when AM/PM are obvious) | twee uur (TWAY uuhr) |
one o'clock AM | een uur 's nachts (AIN uuhr snahgts) |
two o'clock AM | twee uur 's nachts (TWAY uuhr snahgts) |
noon | tussen de middag (TUHS-suhn duh MID-dahg) |
one o'clock PM | een uur 's middags (AIN uuhr SMID-dahgs) |
two o'clock PM | twee uur 's middags (TWAY uuhr SMID-dahgs) |
midnight | middernacht (MID-duhr-nahgt) |
Take advantage of the fundamental Dutch words and phrases to understand the time length for instance a Year, Week and a Month in Dutch language.
_____ minute(s) | _____ minuut (min-UUHT) / minuten (min-UUHT-uhn) |
_____ hour(s) | _____ uur (UUHR) / uren (UUHr-uhn) |
_____ day(s) | _____ dag (DAHG) / dagen (DAH-ghun) |
_____ week(s) | _____ week (WAKE) / weken (WAKE-uhn) |
_____ month(s) | _____ maand (MAHNT) / maanden (MAHN-duhn) |
_____ year(s) | _____ jaar (YAHR) / jaren (YAH-ruhn) |
_____ minute(s) | _____ minuut (min-UUHT) / minuten (min-UUHT-uhn) |
_____ hour(s) | _____ uur (UUHR) / uren (UUHr-uhn) |
_____ day(s) | _____ dag (DAHG) / dagen (DAH-ghun) |
_____ week(s) | _____ week (WAKE) / weken (WAKE-uhn) |
_____ month(s) | _____ maand (MAHNT) / maanden (MAHN-duhn) |
_____ year(s) | _____ jaar (YAHR) / jaren (YAH-ruhn) |
Select the links below to find a list of helpful Dutch travel phrases that are sorted by group. For every travel phrase in Dutch, you will find the actual English translation.
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