How do we say the Days of the week in Dutch language
If you find yourself venturing in The Netherlands and people asks you in Dutch “what day is it today?” you need to recognize how to tell the days of the 7 days in Dutch quickly and easily. What if someone asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You will need to write the time in Dutch perhaps. Use our day terms in Dutch under to tell the full week days in Dutch. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Dutch
the day before yesterday | eergisteren (AIR-ghis-tuh-ruhn) |
yesterday | gisteren (GHIS-tuh-ruhn) |
today | vandaag (vahn-DAHG) |
tomorrow | morgen (MORE-ghun) |
the day after tomorrow | overmorgen (O-vuhr-more-ghun) |
last week | vorige week (VOH-ruh-ghuh WAKE) |
this week | deze week (DAY-zuh WAKE) |
next week | volgende week (VOL-ghun-duh WAKE) |
Monday | maandag (MAHN-dahg) |
Tuesday | dinsdag (DINSS-dahg) |
Wednesday | woensdag (WOONS-dahg) |
Thursday | donderdag (DON-duhr-dahg) |
Friday | vrijdag (VRAY-dahg) |
Saturday | zaterdag (ZAH-tuhr-dahg) |
Sunday | zondag (ZON-dahg) |
the day before yesterday | eergisteren (AIR-ghis-tuh-ruhn) |
yesterday | gisteren (GHIS-tuh-ruhn) |
today | vandaag (vahn-DAHG) |
tomorrow | morgen (MORE-ghun) |
the day after tomorrow | overmorgen (O-vuhr-more-ghun) |
last week | vorige week (VOH-ruh-ghuh WAKE) |
this week | deze week (DAY-zuh WAKE) |
next week | volgende week (VOL-ghun-duh WAKE) |
Monday | maandag (MAHN-dahg) |
Tuesday | dinsdag (DINSS-dahg) |
Wednesday | woensdag (WOONS-dahg) |
Thursday | donderdag (DON-duhr-dahg) |
Friday | vrijdag (VRAY-dahg) |
Saturday | zaterdag (ZAH-tuhr-dahg) |
Sunday | zondag (ZON-dahg) |
Months in Dutch Language
January | januari (jahn-uu-AH-ree) |
February | februari (fay-bruu-AH-ree) |
March | maart (MAHRT) |
April | april (ah-PRIL) |
May | mei (MAY) |
June | juni (YUU-nee) |
July | juli (YUU-lee) |
August | augustus (ow-GHUS-tus) |
September | september (sep-TEM-buhr) |
October | oktober (ock-TOW-buhr) |
November | november (no-VEM-buhr) |
December | december (day-SEM-buhr) |
January | januari (jahn-uu-AH-ree) |
February | februari (fay-bruu-AH-ree) |
March | maart (MAHRT) |
April | april (ah-PRIL) |
May | mei (MAY) |
June | juni (YUU-nee) |
July | juli (YUU-lee) |
August | augustus (ow-GHUS-tus) |
September | september (sep-TEM-buhr) |
October | oktober (ock-TOW-buhr) |
November | november (no-VEM-buhr) |
December | december (day-SEM-buhr) |
Click on the links below to see a list of beneficial Dutch holiday key phrases that are organized by category. For each holiday phrase in Dutch, there’ll be the English translation.
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