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About the Colours in German

When you are planning to go on a shopping spree in Germany or a German speaking nation, remember to study the colours in German language. The names of colours in German comes in incredibly useful while you are looking for additional selections in many products your are considering to get. Learn More

As a result of this particular web page, you’ll be able to quickly learn how to articulate the names of several colors in German. We trust by reading through and understanding the German color chart beneath, you’ll be able to tell all the primary colors in German.
German Language Words

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German Colours List

blackschwarz (shvahrts)
whiteweiß (vice) - as in "miami vice"
graygrau (grou) - rhymes with "cow"
redrot (roht)
blueblau (blou) - rhymes with "cow"
yellowgelb (gelp)
greengrün (gruun)
orangeorange (oh-RAHNGSH)
purplelila (LEE-lah) or violett (veeo-lett) or purpurrot (PURR-purr-rhot)
pinkrosa (ROH-zah) or rosarot (ROH-zah-roht)
brownbraun (brown)
silversilber (zsil-bur)
goldgold (gold)
light -hell- (hell) as in hellblau
dark -dunkel- (dune-kel) as in dunkelblau

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to see a number of practical German travel phrases which you’ll find structured by group. For each travel word or phrase in German, there’ll be the English translation.

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