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About German Pronunciation Rules

Pronunciation in German is the way the German word or even a German language is actually expressed, or the way in which an individual pronounces the single expression. If one is said to have the”ideal German pronunciation”, this describes both of these within a particular German dialect. Learn More

The German word might be talked in different ways by a number of people or groups and that varies according to various aspects, for example: the actual amount of the cultural exposure associated with their own parental input, where the person lives, their cultural group, his or her social position, or their own knowledge. Learn the rules
German Language Words

Learn German Language Online


In German, the very same letter used in two different words might make two different sounds. Many letters in German language are not pronounced at all. Usually, it is possible to sound out words. Hence, many experienced non native German speakers (and occasionally some native speakers) often mispronounce German words.

Similar to English, German pronunciation can be quite challenging, mainly because of intricacies such as silent letters, various sounds for one single letter, not to mention almost endless conditions to whatever rules you find in all of the German pronunciation. This amazing site has lots of web pages that clarifies the actual German pronunciation policies and exceptions in significant detail. This is definitely great for advanced students, however could be very difficult for beginners of German language. We try to streamline German pronunciation rules to make it easier for you to definitely start German, even though you may not really understand how each and every German letter blend is normally pronounced in almost every scenario. We know that in due course, you will want to understand far more in-depth German lessons on German pronunciation rules.

Learn How to Pronounce German Words

German pronunciation is relatively straightforward, although spelling is somewhat more involved.

Select the hyperlinks below to see a number of practical German holiday words which you’ll find organized by group. For every holiday phrase in German, you will notice the actual English interpretation.

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