Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in German Language
Desire to book a hotel room in Germany? How does one say, I wish to book an accommodation in German? Important German terms with regard to making your reservation for a room in hotels or needing to require a room with a balcony. Learn More
Together with the German holiday accommodation relevant sentences listed below, one can learn how to express your questions in German. Many of these inquiries include: “how many days you will be booking for?” and “how much would it cost to reserve a room?” Ideally, it will be possible to figure out the actual replies in German.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Sind noch Zimmer frei? (ZINT nokh TSIM-mer FRIGH?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Wieviel kostet ein Einzelzimmer/Doppelzimmer? (vee-feel KOSS-tet ighn IGHN-tsel-tsim-mer/DOP-pel-tsim-mer?) |
Does the room come with... | Hat das Zimmer... (HAHT dahss TSIM-mer...) |
...bedsheets? | ...Bettlaken? (...BET-lahk-en?) |
...a bathroom? (toilet) | ...eine Toilette? (igh-nuh to-ah-LET-tuh?) |
...a bathroom? (with cleaning facilities) | ...ein Badezimmer? (igh-n BAH-duh-tsim-er?) |
...a telephone? | ...ein Telefon? (ighn tell-eh-FOHN?) |
...a TV? | ...einen Fernseher? (igh-nen FAYRN-zay-er?) |
May I see the room first? | Kann ich das Zimmer erstmal sehen? (kahn ikh dahs TSIM-mer ayrst-mahl ZAY-en?) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Haben Sie etwas Ruhigeres? (HAH-ben zee ET-vahs ROO-ig-er-ess?) |
...bigger? | ...größeres? (GROO-ser-ess?) |
...cheaper? | ...billigeres? (BILL-ig-er-ess?) |
OK, I'll take it. | OK, ich nehme es. (OH-kay, ikh NAY-muh ess) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Ich bleibe eine Nacht (_____ Nächte). (ihk BLIGH-buh IGH-nuh nahkht/_____ NEKH-tuh) Note: The plural of 'Nacht' is 'Nächte' . |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Können Sie mir ein anderes Hotel empfehlen? (KOON-en zee meer ign AHN-der-ess ho-TELL emp-FAY-len?) |
Note: It's not a good idea to say this, as it may be taken in an insulting manner. Try saying "Gibt es hier in der Nähe ein Reisebüro?" ("Is there a tourist agency nearby?") instead. | |
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Do you have a safe? | Haben Sie einen Safe? (HAH-ben zee IGH-nen SAYF?) |
...lockers? | ...Schließfächer? (SHLEESS-fekh-er?) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Ist Frühstück/Abendessen inklusive? (ist FRUU-shtuuk/AH-bent-ess-en in-kloo-ZEE-vuh?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Wann gibt es Frühstück/Abendessen? (VAHN gipt ess FRUU-shtuuk/AH-bent-ess-en?) |
Please clean my room. | Würden sie bitte mein Zimmer saubermachen? (VUUR-den zee BIT-tuh mign TSIM-mer ZOW-ber-MAHKH-en?) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Können Sie mich um _____ Uhr wecken? (KOON-en zee mikh oom _____ oor VECK-en?) |
I would like to check out. | Ich möchte auschecken. (ikh MOOKH-tuh ows-check-en) |
Click on the links below to view a number of practical German holiday words and phrases which you’ll find sorted by category. For every travel phrase in German, you will see the actual English translation.
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