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A complex speech sound or glide which starts with one particular German vowel and eventually transforms to a different German vowel while in the similar syllable, like (oi) in boil or (i) in fine. A diphthong in German language (literally implies “two sounds” or “two tones”), generally known as a gliding vowel. German diphthong is regarded as two neighboring vowel sounds occurring while in the exact same syllable.
Technically, a German diphthong is known as a vowel with two distinct targets – that is, your tongue moves in the course of the pronunciation within the vowel. Learn More

Diphthongs present in German language differenciate with monophthongs, where the tongue won’t move basically one single vowel sound is heard in a syllable. Where two adjacent vowel sounds come up in different syllables-for example, in the English phrase re-elect the outcome is called break, and not as a diphthong.
German Language Words

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Diphthongs in German Language frequently develop the moment separate German vowels are generally run jointly in fast dialog throughout a dialogue in German Language.

German Diphthongs

Please note:These combinations are not always used as diphthongs. At syllable boundaries and sometimes even in a syllable, they are spoken as separate vowels (e.g. soeben — zoh-AY-ben)
aulike 'ow' in "how"
aetranscription for 'ä' if not available on a keyboard or in URLs
ahlike 'a' in "bar", longer than 'a'.
äulike 'oy' in "boy"
eilike 'i' in "wine"
eulike 'oy' in "boy"
ehlong 'e'
ielike 'ee' in "week", longer than 'i'.
iehlike 'ee' in "week", longer than 'i', fundamentally no difference to 'ie'.
oetranscription for 'ö' if not available on a keyboard or in URLs
ohlike 'oo' in "food", longer than 'o'.
uetranscription for 'ü' if not available on a keyboard or in URLs
uhlike 'ou' in "youth", longer than 'u'.
ch after 'a', 'o', 'u' and 'au'like 'ch' in Scottish "loch", spoken in the throat, like 'j' in Spanish
ch after 'e', 'ä', 'i', 'ei', 'eu', 'äu', 'ü' and 'ö', or after a consonantlike 'h' in "huge"
ch at the beginning of a wordlike 'ch' in "character"
cklike 'ck' in "blocking"
nglike both 'ng' in "singing", never like 'ng' in "finger"
phlike 'f' in "fish"
schlike 'sh' in "sheep"
sp at the beginning of a wordlike 'shp' in "fish pool"
sslike 's' in "ship", in contrast to 'ß', makes the preceding vowel shorter. Also used as transcription for 'ß' in URL or on foreign keyboards.
st at the beginning of a wordlike 'sht' in "ashtray"

Select the links directly below to check out a list of practical German holiday words which are organized by category. For every travel word or phrase in German, you will find the actual English translation.

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