Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Romanian Language
Would like to reserve an places to stay in Romania? Tips on how to say, I’d like to reserve a room in Romanian? Helpful Romanian expressions with regard to making your reservation for a room in lodges or looking to request a room with a balcony. Learn More
When using the Romanian accommodation relevant words shown below, you can learn how to express your questions in Romanian. Many of these inquiries include things like: “how many nights you’ll be booking for?” or “how much will it cost to book a room?” Subsequently, it will be easier to master the actual replies in Romanian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Aveţi camere libere? (ah-VEHTZ KAH-meh-reh LEE-beh-reh) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Cât costa o cameră pentru o persoană / pentru doua persoane? (COOHT KOH-stah oh KAH-meh-ruh pehn-troo OH pehr-SWAH-nuh... / pehn-troo DOH-wuh pehr-SWAH-neh) |
Does the room come with... | Exista in camere... (ex-EES-tuh oon come-ereh...) |
...bedsheets? | ...aşternuturi? (ahsh-tehr-NOO-toor) |
...another blanket? | ...încă o patură (OOHN-cuh oh PAH-too-ruh) |
...a bathroom? | ...baie? (BAY-yeh) |
...a telephone? | ...telefon? (teh-leh-FOHN) |
...a TV? | ...televizor? (teh-leh-vee-ZOHR) |
May I see the room first? | Pot să văd camera întâi? (poht suh VUHD CAH-meh-rah oohn-TOOH-ee) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Aveţi ceva mai liniştit? (ah-VEHTZ CHEH-vah MAY LEE-nee-SHTEET) |
...bigger? | ...mai mare? (MAY MAH-reh) |
...cleaner? | ...mai curat? (MAY koo-RAHT) |
...cheaper? | ...mai ieftin? (MAY yef-TEEN) |
OK, I'll take the room. | Bine. Vreau camera. (BEEN-eh. VRYOW KAH-meh-rah) |
I will stay for one night. | Eu rămân pentru o noapte. (Yeh-oo ruh-MOOHN PEHN-troo oh NWAHP-teh) |
I will stay for _____ nights. | Eu rămân ______ nopţi. (YEH-oo ruh-MOOHN _____ NOHPTZ |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Puteţi recomanda alt hotel? (poo-TEHTZ reh-coh-MAHN-dah AHLT hoh-TEHL) |
Do you have a safe? | Aveţi seif? (ah-VETZ SEYF) |
...lockers? | ...cuiere? (KOO-yeh-reh) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Preţul include micul dejun / cină? (PREH-tzool een-KLOO-deh MEE-kool deh-ZHOON / CHEE-nuh) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | La ce oră este micul dejun / cina? (lah CHEH OH-ruh ye-steh MEE-kool deh-ZHOON / CHEE-nah') |
Please clean my room. | Curăţaţi camera mea, vă rog. (koo-ruh-TZAHTZ CAH-meh-rah MYAH, vuh ROHG) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Puteţi să mă treziţi la _____? (poo-TEHTZ suh muh treh-ZEETZ lah _____?) |
I want to check out. | Aş vrea să achit nota şi să plec de la hotel. (ahsh VRYAH suh ah-KEET NOH-tuh shee suh PLEHK deh lah ho-TEHL; the vowel sound in “vrea” is like the “a” in the English “cat”.) |
Select the hyperlinks directly below to find a number of useful Romanian travel phrases which are sorted by theme. For each travel word or phrase in Romanian, you will notice the English interpretation.
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